APQN President - Dr. Galina Motova (Elected)

VicePresid Galina

Dr. Galina Motova is President of APQN (2019–2022, 2022–present). She is the Director of the National Centre for Public Accreditation (NCPA), Russia. She obtained her PhD and DSc degrees from Moscow State Pedagogical University.

She has more than 25 years of work experience in the field of quality assurance, including senior positions at the National Accreditation Agency (NAA) (1995–2009) and the National Centre for Public Accreditation (2009–present).

Dr. Motova is a certified ENQA expert, who has taken part in ENQA reviews of QA agencies and HEIs.

She has organised international forums, assemblies, and conferences of quality assurance networks ENQA, CEENQA, and APQN (CEENQA General Assembly, St. Petersburg 2006; ENQA Members Forum, St. Petersburg 2014, APQN Annual Academic Conference and General Meeting, Moscow 2017).

Galina Motova has been a participant in international projects Align (Tempus), SAGRIS (Erasmus+), and DEQAR Connect (Erasmus+). She was a member of ENQA's working groups on Excellence and Academic Integrity (2012-2014).

Galina Motova is rightly considered one of the founders of the system of quality assurance in the Russian Federation and a leading researcher in the field of quality assurance who has participated in the development and implementation of QA criteria and policies at the national level. She is among the authors of the Russian National Reports to the Bologna Process Conferences of Ministers responsible for Higher Education (2007, 2009 and 2015).
Dr. Motova, as Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Accreditation in Education" (established in 2005), has put a lot of effort into promoting quality assurance and the best national and international practices in Russia and abroad.

Dr. Motova has widely lectured on the current issues of education and quality assurance. She has provided specialised quality assurance training for more than 10,000 experts and HEI staff members during the last ten years. She has coordinated numerous accreditation procedures for higher educational institutions in Russia and abroad and participated as an expert and an observer in international quality assurance reviews of HEIs.

Galina Motova authored and co-authored more than 250 publications, including three monographs. She has also been awarded the titles of "Honorary Worker of Education of the Mari El Republic" (2004) and "Honorary Worker of Education of the Russian Federation" (1994).

Contact Details:

National Centre for Public Accreditation
Editor-in-chief of the Journal
"Accreditation in Education"

Tel: . +783 6230 4950
Fax: +783 6242 1879

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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