The region covered by the Asia-Pacific Quality Network includes: all Pacific island nations and territories, New Zealand, Australia, Papua New Guinea; all island and mainland nations and territories of Asia, including Russia, Afghanistan, the other central Asian 'stans and Iran, but excluding the Gulf states (which are covered by another network).
1. Afghanistan | 21. Laos | 41. Solomon Islands |
2. Australia | 22. Macao, China | 42. Sri Lanka |
3. Bangladesh | 23. Malaysia | 43. Taiwan, China |
4. Bhutan | 24. Maldives | 44. Tajikistan |
5. Brunei Darussalam | 25. Marshall Islands | 45. Thailand |
6. Cambodia | 26. Micronesia | 46. Timor-Leste |
7. China | 27. Mongolia | 47. Tokelau |
8. Cook Islands | 28. Myanmar | 48. Tonga |
9. Fiji | 29. Nauru | 49. Turkmenistan |
10. French Polynesia | 30. Nepal | 50. Tuvalu |
11. Hong Kong, China | 31. New Caledonia | 51. Uzbekistan |
12. India | 32. New Zealand | 52. Vanuatu |
13. Indonesia | 33. Niue | 53. Vietnam |
14. Iran | 34. Pakistan | |
15. Japan | 35. Palau | |
16. Kazakhstan | 36. Papua New Guinea | |
17. Kiribati | 37. Philippines | |
18. Korea, North | 38. Russia | |
19. Korea, South | 39. Samoa | |
20. Kyrgyzstan | 40. Singapore | |