Defining Our Region

The region covered by the Asia-Pacific Quality Network includes: all Pacific island nations and territories, New Zealand, Australia, Papua New Guinea; all island and mainland nations and territories of Asia, including Russia, Afghanistan, the other central Asian 'stans and Iran, but excluding the Gulf states (which are covered by another network).


1. Afghanistan 21. Laos 41. Solomon Islands
2. Australia 22. Macao, China 42. Sri Lanka
3. Bangladesh 23. Malaysia 43. Taiwan, China
4. Bhutan 24. Maldives 44. Tajikistan
5. Brunei Darussalam 25. Marshall Islands 45. Thailand
6. Cambodia 26. Micronesia 46. Timor-Leste
7. China 27. Mongolia 47. Tokelau
8. Cook Islands 28. Myanmar 48. Tonga
9. Fiji 29. Nauru 49. Turkmenistan
10. French Polynesia 30. Nepal 50. Tuvalu
11. Hong Kong, China 31. New Caledonia 51. Uzbekistan
12. India 32. New Zealand 52. Vanuatu
13. Indonesia 33. Niue 53. Vietnam
14. Iran 34. Pakistan
15. Japan 35. Palau
16. Kazakhstan 36. Papua New Guinea
17. Kiribati 37. Philippines
18. Korea, North 38. Russia
19. Korea, South 39. Samoa
20. Kyrgyzstan 40. Singapore

Contact Us

APQN Administrator
No. 202, South ShaanXi Road,
Shanghai, 200031, P.R. CHINA
Tel: +86 21 5403 1620
Fax: +86 21 5467 0198
Email: apqnsecretariat@163.comĀ 

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