APQN Board Director-Mrs. Umankulova Onolkan

Director Onolkan

Mrs. Umankulova Onolkan is a President of the Agency for quality assurance in the field of education “EdNet” and has been leading the Agency since its foundation in 2012 in Kyrgyzstan, and stood in the roots of establishment of an independent accreditation for higher education in the country. She has a master degree in Vilnius University on “International business economy and management” graduating with a master thesis focusing on differences between Kyrgyzstan and Lithuania in respect to the results of creation of knowledge-based economy impacted by research and development policy at tertiary education. She was also one of the fellows of the UK-government John Smith Trust Fellowship program – a program for leaders of the region, and as a result could bring the best practices on quality assurance and accreditation into her EdNet Agency.

Within her 15 years of professional experience she has been managing more than 10 national and regional project in education area, prepared more than 30 analytical reports about education and other areas. As a chair of the leading accreditation agency in Kyrgyzstan she took one of the key roles in development of national legislation about quality assurance and accreditation in the country, and participated in more than 25 official ministerial working and expert groups for quality assessment and accreditation. By 2022 she has been trained of more than 5000 university teachers and administrators about the importance of the learning outcomes for assuring the quality of education, internal and external QA systems. She has a certificate of a professional trainer. She’s been an education expert for such prestigious organizations as the World Bank, UNESCO, UNICEF, European Commission, Asian Development Bank and many private companies.

Having wide experience in quality assurance and accreditation worldwide, with the focus on Central Asian and European regions, she has a substantial understanding and applied efficient strategies in building accreditation systems in the country, that can help other countries in understanding of the best models with consideration of country’s peculiarities.

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