Welcome to APQN - Asia-Pacific Quality Network

About Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN)

Founded in 2003, the Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN) is a non-governmental and non-profit network who has been striving for “Enhancing the Quality of Higher Education in the Asia-Pacific Region” and "Dissolving Boundaries for a Quality Region".

After 20-year development, APQN has 192 members from 45 countries and territories, becoming the largest and the most influential international organization on higher education in this Region. APQN has played a crucial and unique role in improving the QA mechanism, exchanging theory and practice experiences, promoting substantive co-operations, establishing Consultant Bank, reviewing Asia-Pacific Quality Register (APQR) and Asia-Pacific Quality Label(APQL) in this Region.

APQN Academic Conference (AAC) and Annual General Meeting (AGM), 2024

26 to 29 September 2024


DEADLINE: June 30, 2024

Quality Assurance and Global Tertiary Education: Navigating Challenges and Embracing Innovation

I Background

APQN Academic Conference (AAC) and Annual General Meeting (AGM) are annual highlight events to discuss and advance quality assurance in higher education in Asia-Pacific. APQN Board is delighted to announce that the next AAC and AGM will be hosted by the Russian Register on September 26 - 29 (Thursday - Sunday), 2024 in Saint Petersburg ,Russia.

The target audience for the AAC and AGM are primarily those associated with quality assurance in the Asia- Pacific Region. It includes all types of APQN members and observers, the Board, the Committees and the various Project Groups. In addition, other higher education institutions (HEIs), quality assurance agencies (QAAs), and organizations working in the field of quality assurance in any part of the world are welcomed to attend AAC events which are only open to all registered delegates with the exception of the AGM which are only for APQN members only.

II Conference Themes

Theme of 2024 AAC:

Quality Assurance and Global Tertiary Education: Navigating Challenges and Embracing Innovation


  1. QA for Cross-Border Higher Education: International Standards, Challenges and Solutions;
  2. Embracing Digitalization for QA: Innovations and Future Trends;
  3. QA in Higher Education Institutions: Fostering Excellence in Teaching and Learning in all Stages of Life;.
  4. Enhancing Internal Quality Assurance of QAAs: Innovations and Governance.

III Timeline - key dates and events.


Key Event

December, 2023

Press releases and the announcement of APQN 2024 AAC and AGM

February 1, 2024

Call for Papers for 2024 APQN Academic Conference (AAC)

Before June 15, 2024

1. Deadline of Call for Papers for 2024 Academic Conference (AAC)

2. Call for the Host of 2025 AAC and AGM

3. Call for Nominations for 2024 APQN Awards

Before June 30, 2024

1. Deadline for the EoI to Host 2025 AAC and AGM

2. Deadline for the Applications for APQN Awards

July 1-20, 2024

1. Online Registration is open

2. Announcement of accepted papers

3. Announcement of the EoI to Host 2025 AAC and AGM by APQN Board

4. Announcement of the Applications for APQN Awards by APQN Board

5. The first draft of the Programme of 2024 AAC & AGM

September 26, 2024


Arrival in St. Petersburg, Russia for APQN 2024 AAC and AGM

September 27-28, 2024


APQN Academic Conference and Annual General Meeting

September 29, 2024


Half-day City Tour of St. Petersburg, Russia

IV Guidelines for paper submissions

Submissions should not exceed 3000 words (min. 2000 words) in length, including the appendices, tables, illustrations and photographs, and an abstract (up to 200 words) and a bio-sketch with a photo of the author (up to 100 words). The paper must be in English and submitted as a Microsoft Word Document. More details  can be found in the “Guidelines for the Authors and a Format Model for the Papers” in the appendix.

A review of the submitted papers will be conducted by a Review Committee. The inclusion of any submission and inclusion of submissions into the program is at the prerogative of the Review Committee. No correspondence will be entertained. If your paper has been selected for presentation, the format will be as follows: 1) 15 minutes for presentation; 2) 10 minutes for questions/discussion.

Selected papers will be presented at the 2024 AAC and published in the “Anthology of 2024 AAC” by APQN after the Conference. Publishing permission will be requested from the author.  Submissions (in Microsoft Word) will be received by the APQN Secretariat (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and local organizer, Russian Register (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

You are expected to label your paper file as “your name + your country + Sub-theme number”. We are looking forward to receive your submissions by June 30, 2024.

If your paper is accepted for presentation at the 2024 APQN Conference, the distribution of supplementary material to the audience will be at your own discretion and responsibility.

All Papers MUST strictly follow the following format and Layout of template below
 including margins, fonts, naming conventions and HARVARD referencing system

Paper 3000 words maximum 

All papers not using the template below may be rejected

Please select “Narrow” for your paper layout margin.


Paper Margin                               Title of paper (Font: Times New Roman, Bold, size: 12, Centralized)                           Paper Margin

"Narrow"                      Authors First Name, Last name only (Font: Times New Roman, non-bold, size: 10, centralized)                 "Narrow"

785425 200                                                                                                                                                                                                           785425 200


Abstract is compulsory (Font: Times New Roman, non-bold, size: 11, Justify )

Contents ( Number each heading and sub-heading using numbers 1., 1.1., 1.1.1., 2., 2.1., 2.1.1. etc)

(Font: Times New Roman, non-bold, size: 11, Justify, Single spacing between lines)



1. Heading

The paper ……according to Xdsgsh (2016), it indicated that ,….


1.1. Sub head

As the result….


1.1.1. Sub-sub heading

In conclusion….


2. Heading 

2.1. Sub heading.

2.1.1. Sub sub headings

3. etc

Diagrams, Figures, illustrations, tables

Centralized all Diagrams, Figures, illustrations, tables to paper centre. Naming (Font: Times New Roman, non- bold, size: 8, centralized): Example:



Table 1: Xhsjoisps


Figure 1: Xhsjoisp

Authors Bio:

 pic2      apq

(author’s Bio 1 100 words maximum, Font: Times New Roman,non-bold, Size 8, Justify)

Author name, title, organization


pic3        apq

(author’s Bio 2, 100 words maximum, Font: Times New Roman,non-bold, Size 8, Justify)

Author name, title, organization




HARVARD referencing (Font: Times New Roman, non-bold, size: 8)

(Do not use end page referencing)

Contact Us

APQN Administrator
No. 202, South ShaanXi Road,
Shanghai, 200031, P.R. CHINA
Tel: +86 21 5403 1620
Fax: +86 21 5467 0198
Email: apqnsecretariat@163.com 

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