
1.1 Background

Since the inception in 2003, APQN has been advocated the spirit of dedication. Dedication is the passion and love for the cause of the education quality bonded by the affection and fraternity among APQN members. In the call of this love, the Board members fulfill their duties well in their individual positions in their home countries while complete APQN work as a dedicated cause without remuneration. Therefore, in fact, everyone in the big family of APQN is a volunteer. Being a Board member, even for the president, is not a privilege but an increased responsibility for service. Volunteers can serve the development of quality assurance of higher education and serve the great cause of higher education in and beyond the Asia-Pacific Region.

Volunteerism is a powerful methodology of engaging all to contribute for APQN’s vision, value and goal. Volunteerism benefits both APQN at large and the individual by strengthening trust, solidarity and reciprocity among members, and by creating opportunities for participation.

APQN hopes that persons with expectation and caring in education will have the chance to serve for APQN, and help to improve regional higher education quality assurance system, contributing in the sustainable development of both APQN and higher education.

1.2 Value and Spirit

A volunteer has the same name in every country. Since the volunteering spirit became the core of common value in the civilized society in some countries, volunteering activities are important ways for citizens to participate in social life. “Contribution, friendliness, cooperation and progress” are core value of volunteering spirit.

As a citizen in human society, it is the inescapable responsibility to willingly perfect community work, promote social welfare and drive human development, putting personal gain aside. Believe in the value of “committed to quality higher education and supportive of quality organizations in the region”, APQN plays an active role in the field of higher education quality assurance in the region. Each member inherits and carries forward the volunteering spirit of “volunteering makes my happiness, contribution achieves my progress”, and service in regional academic exchange, policy making and practice promotion.

1.3 Significance of being a Volunteer

Being a volunteer is a triple-win project.

For volunteer

  • Opportunities to participate in APQN academic researches and international conferences;
  • Opportunities to work with the distinguished professors, experts and consultants all over the world;
  • Opportunities to improve personal comprehensive abilities, and gaining working experiences in international non-government and non-profit organization;
  • Getting new visions in the research of higher education development and quality assurance for further study;
  • Enriching life experience;
  • Fulfilling self-worth and contributing to the society.


  • Promoting the development of APQN;
  • Advancing the accomplishment of APQN’s value, mission, goal and objective;
  • Improving the benefits of APQN;
  • Building up a dynamic and influential platform for the world.

For the World

  • Satisfying the social demands and guiding the life concept;
  • Improving interpersonal relationship and resolving social conflicts;
  • Encouraging the spirit of devotion and strengthening the responsibility of citizen;
  • Facilitating the exchanges between countries and harmonious the global development;
  • Volunteering and cooperating in human spirit and public resources.

We will offer

1. APQN volunteer certification issued by APQN;

2. Academic and practice mentorship from experts and professors;

3. Platform for international cross-border exchange and cooperation.

1.4 Volunteer Categories and Responsibilities

All categories of volunteers, including short–term and long-term, are warmly welcomed in the sustainable development of APQN and are encouraged to use their expertise. Therefore, APQN is recruiting three categories of volunteers as follows.

1.4.1 Expert volunteers.

Expert volunteers include lecturers, professors, experts, consultants and other scholars in the fields of quality assurance in higher education. They are expected to provide advisory opinions for APQN researches, academic conferences, policy-making decisions, construction of QAAs, academic speeches, policy investigations and others.

1.4.2 Activity volunteers.

Activity volunteers welcome those who are interested in the QA issues of higher education and want to make a difference. They are responsible for fundraising, planning, organizing, coordinating and executing all kinds of APQN’s activities. AAC volunteers are required to master fluent English communication skill because they will contact and communicate with the participants and the delegates from all over the world.

1.4.3 Volunteer translators.

As a cross- border NGO, English is the official language in APQN. More than one language is spoken in the Asia-pacific region, and the experiences and achievements of APQN member are expected to be studied and communicated by more. Therefore, all multilingual persons are welcomed in APQN. They are responsible for bilingual or multilingual translation of documents, manuals, reports, and interpretation in various activities and international conferences. Proficient level in the perspective language is required.

1.5 Application

Volunteers from all over the world are warmly welcomed in APQN. If you are interested, please fill in the following application form, sign and date the declaration, and send it to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Application Form for APQN Volunteer

Please complete all sections on electronically and send it as a Word or PDF document via email to APQN Secretariat.



Type of Volunteer applied for: Expert volunteer   Activity volunteer   Volunteer translator (Photo)
Full Name both in English & local language  
Date of Birth (mm/dd/ yyyy) Sex: □ Male □ Female
Nationality:   Organization:  
Major:   Research interest  
Phone:   E-mail:  
Working Experience:
Volunteering and other Experience:
Description of Volunteering Activity or Job:
Decision form APQN Board:   Acceptance □Non-acceptance


Applicant’s Declaration

1. I have read and understood the instructions, and I certify that the information provided by me on this application is complete and accurate.

2. I understand that APQN has the right to withdraw any offer it may make should any statement in this application prove to be false.

3. I confirm that, if admitted to APQN, I will conform to all APQN rules and regulations.


Signature ________________     Date ________ / _____ /_____


Contact Us

APQN Administrator
No. 202, South ShaanXi Road,
Shanghai, 200031, P.R. CHINA
Tel: +86 21 5403 1620
Fax: +86 21 5467 0198
Email: apqnsecretariat@163.com 

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