
Nominated By: Ambreen Asif Qureshi
Nominee Application Form: Part A
Title: Ms.
Family Names(s): Qureshi, Asif
Mailing Address: 64 Alhamra Society, Tipu Sultan Road, Karachi
Country: Pakistan
Office Telephone: 0922134389148
Office Fax: 0922134389147
Residence Telephone: 0922134385436
Nationality/Citizenship: Pakistani
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 08-02-1963
Current Position: Deputy Director- Quality Enhancement Cell
Current Employer: Dadabhoy Institute of Higher Education
Please indicate your fluency levels in various languages (Comma Separated)
Fluent in Writing: ENGLISH, URDU
Academic Qualifications and Training
1. Degree, Institution, Year Completed: MA English, The University of Punjab, 1984
2. Degree, Institution, Year Completed: BA, The University of Punjab, 1982
Nominee Application Form: Part B
  • Institutional quality assurance reviews / audits
  • Program reviews / accreditations
  • General QA consultancy
  • Setting up of new QA agency
  • Training of experts/external reviewers
  • Internal QA of institutions
  • Self study guidance to institutions
  • External review of institutions
  • Quality Indicators and benchmarks
  • External Review of QAAs
  • QA of Open learning institutes
  • Institutional assessment
  • Institutional quality audits
  • Institutional accreditation
  • QA of cross border offerings
  • Student feedback and surveys
  • Research assessment
Other (please specify): Academic Audits
Examples of Experience: National & International Consultations / Audit / Review
1. Brief Description: An educationist by default, with a Masters in English Language and Literature from the Punjab University, I have more than 20 years of experience in Quality Assurance, teaching and conducting need based training sessions all over Pakistan. I am an approved Master Trainer of Cambridge International Diploma for Teachers and Trainer, University of Cambridge, UK and was the first convener of the Education Chapter of Quality & Productivity Society of Pakistan, a member of American Society for Quality and have been a pioneer in introducing external Academic Audit services in Pakistan.
Consulting, Monitoring & Evaluation, Training, Strategic Planning

Provide leadership and oversight in rolling out project activities; including Teachers training, Policy and Systems, Community outreach and Monitoring and Evaluation; Liaise with Departments of Education, university partners, private sector, and other stakeholders to align priorities and promote cooperation;

Major responsibilities
1. Contribute to the design of and assist in managing program assessments and evaluations and promote a culture of evidence-based decision making, and effectively communicating program results to a wide variety of stakeholders;
2. Lead development of and oversee the review of project level Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) plans;
3. Provide M&E technical assistance to research programs such as reviewing M&E methods, carrying out training needs, designing M&E tools, and ensuring quality control of M&E outputs
4. Support the development of M&E frameworks and research plans to guide research and M & E activities;
Institution/City/Country: Higher Education Commission, Islamabad, Pakistan
Date: 2012-2014
Type of Experience:
  • Consultancy
  • Institutional Audit / Assessment
  • Programme Review / Accreditation
2. Brief Description: I have also worked with renowned NGOs working in the Education sector and have assisted organizations in developing a quality culture and integrate quality assurance practices as part of their daily routine. Presently I am also a lead moderator of QEC Network managed by HEC and have in depth knowledge of curriculum, instruction and assessment and their relationship to program goals and objectives. Managing implementation of donor-funded projects like Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Youth Development Programs (BBSYDP) and Continuous Professional Development programs (CPD) are also my forte. My list of clients include Learning Innovation Division at HEC, Khyber Medical University, IBA –Sukkar, IOBM, University of Faisalbad, Beaconhouse National University, KU, NED, CIBES, NIMS, Indus University, KASBIT, The Citizens Foundation, Habib School etc.

Recently completed projects include Developing Standards for Minimum Package of Services for Azad Foundation/ UNICEF, Impact Analysis of Center of Educational Excellence for the Ilm Foundation, External Academic Audit of Commecs College, and Entrepreneurship training of young people (aged 16-29) from at-risk neighborhood by engaging them in productive economic activities and empowering them by providing them with income-earning opportunities. Till now I have monitored and evaluated 5670 teachers, principals and educators, 675 schools and colleges, and conducted impact analysis of three projects.

I have also served on the advisory board of leading schools, in addition to my services as education consultant and subject expert for Reform Support Unit (RSU), Ministry of Education, Government of Sindh and pre-service Teachers Education Program (USAID) and Higher Education Commission, for developing National Quality Standards for Teachers in Pakistan. I have served on the Editorial Board of Journal of Education & Educational Development, as permanent reviewer. My other consulting work focuses on helping senior executives design and lead strategic change initiatives from strategy to results in three main areas: strategic leadership, execution excellence, and organizational learning. I have authored articles, conducted workshops and have presented papers at national and international conferences on Quality Assurance in Higher Education and have received outstanding Quality Manager Award in 2011.
i. provide consultancy, conduct research, and design the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for national and international donor agencies and NGOs
ii. evaluate the running programs by designing the evaluation plan, tools and reporting formats
iii. provide training related to Quality Enhancement Cells and Teacher Education, at leading public & private sector Universities as HEC Master trainer
iv. strategic leadership and management of large development programs.
v. provide oversight of management and administrative systems, including HR, finance, procurement, risk management, tendering and sub-contracting.
Institution/City/Country: Dadabhoy Institute of Higher Education, Karachi, Pakistan
Date: 2009- till date
Type of Experience:
  • Consultancy
  • Institutional Audit / Assessment
  • Programme Review / Accreditation
3. Brief Description: vi. To carry out all duties assigned to the Post of a Registrar
o Authorized custodian of the university’s student records
Student Services, Policy making, Administration & Security
o Oversee HR, Talent Acquisition, Performance Management, Staff Training & Development
o Organize and administer the records, registration and graduation functions
o Develop and ensure implementation of Annual Plans on the basis of Need Analysis in consultation with functional heads.
o Assist in preparation of organizational strategy and plan to meet training and development needs, and manage training delivery, measurement and follow-up as necessary.
vii. To establish Quality Enhancement Center, and continuous Faculty Development Program at DIHE
o Create awareness amongst faculty about QA processes, tools and action plans
o Conduct workshops to help teachers in writing Self Assessment Reports
o Provide guidelines and develop tools
o Monitoring & Evaluation for internal quality
o Prepare Institutional Progress reports for Mgt. and Higher Education Commission
viii. To coordinate with the RSU and STEVTA and get CPD provider status for DIHE
ix. To plan, design and implement different educational, training, monitoring & evaluation projects undertaken by DIHE in liaison with donor agencies like USAID, Pre-Step, BBSYDP, RSU, PND etc.
x. To act as Project Head on behalf of DIHE under Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Youth Development Program – Phase II and IV
xi. To plan, design and write courses for Teacher Education as per requirement of RSU / PITE and BoC
Institution/City/Country: Commecs Institute of Faculty Training, Karachi, Pakistan, The Citizens Foundation, karachi, Pakistan
Date: 2000-2008
Type of Experience:
  • Institutional Audit / Assessment
  • Programme Review / Accreditation
Nominee Application Form: Part C
Please write a professional profile of 500 words.
Professional Summary Description: An educationist by default, with a Masters in English Language and Literature from the Punjab University, I have more than 20 years of experience in Quality Assurance, 3rd party Monitoring & Evaluation, teacher training, career counseling and developing standards for service delivery. I am an approved Master Trainer of Cambridge International Diploma for Teachers and Trainer, University of Cambridge, UK, convener of the Education Chapter of Quality & Productivity Society of Pakistan, member of American Society for Quality, member Standing Committee on Professional Development at Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry.

I have served at top management positions at leading tertiary colleges, universities and educational trusts, including Dadabhoy Institute of Higher Education and Commecs Educational Trust. In 2014, I joined Bigger Picture Consulting Pvt.Ltd as Senior Advisor with a focus on Organizational Development, Research, Entrepreneurship Training, and Monitoring and Evaluation for strengthening performance and impact.

I am a self starter and have worked with renowned NGOs working in the Education sector and have assisted organizations in developing a quality culture and integrate quality assurance practices as part of their daily routine. Presently I am also a lead moderator of QEC Network managed by HEC and have in depth knowledge of curriculum, instruction and assessment and their relationship to program goals and objectives. Managing implementation of donor-funded projects like Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Youth Development Programs (BBSYDP), Continuous Professional Development programs (CPD), Entrepreneurship Training to Youth from Marginalized Communities, Youth Leadership Development Programs and Developing Standardized Package of Services for the Street Kids are also my forte.

List of my clients include Learning Innovation Division at HEC, Khyber Medical University, IBA –Sukkar, IOBM, University of Faisalbad, Beaconhouse National University, PIMS, NIMS, KU, NED, CIBES, Indus University, KASBIT, The City School, Alhuda International, The Citizens Foundation, Habib School, The Ilm Foundation, Teach for Pakistan, Azad Foundation etc.

I have also served on the advisory board of leading schools, in addition to my services as education consultant and subject expert for Reform Support Unit (RSU), Ministry of Education, Government of Sindh and pre-service Teachers Education Program (USAID) and Higher Education Commission, for developing National Quality Standards for Teachers in Pakistan. I serve on the Editorial Board of Journal of Education & Educational Development, as permanent reviewer. My other consulting work focuses on helping senior executives design and lead strategic change initiatives from strategy to results in three main areas: strategic leadership, execution excellence, and organizational learning. I have authored articles, conducted workshops and have presented papers at national and international conferences on Quality Assurance in Higher Education and have received outstanding Quality Manager Award in 2011.

Recently completed projects include Developing Standards for Minimum Package of Services for the Street Children for Azad Foundation/ UNICEF, Impact Analysis of Center of Educational Excellence for the Ilm Foundation, External Academic Audit of Commecs College, and Entrepreneurship training of young people (aged 16-29) from at-risk neighborhood by engaging them in productive economic activities and empowering them by providing them with income-earning opportunities. Till now I have monitored and evaluated 5670 teachers, principals and educators, 675 schools and colleges, and conducted impact analysis of three projects.

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