National Textile University

Membership Type: Institutional
Year in which Organisation/Agency commenced operations: 1962
Countries/regions/states of operation: Pakistan

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Title: Prof. Dr.
First Name: Tanveer
Surname: Hussain
Job Title: Rector
Phone: + 92-41-9230099,9230081-85
Fax: +92-41-9230098
Email Id:
Alternative Email Id:

Nominated Contact Person (if different from CEO)

Title: Engr
First Name: Farakh
Surname: Javed
Job Title: Assistant Director, Quality Enhancement Cell
Phone: +92-41-9230081-85
Fax: +92-41-9230094, Mob: +92-331-6786286
Email Id:
Alternative Email Id:

Organisation Details

National Textile University
Address: National Textile University, Sheikhupura Road, Faisalabad

Additional Contacts

Criteria Requirements for Full Member

1 Criterion: Nature of the operations of the agency:
Measure: The agency is responsible for reviews at institutional or programme level of post-secondary
education institutions or post-secondary quality assurance agencies
2 Criterion: Mission statement and objectives:
Measure: The agency has formulated a mission statement and objectives which are consistent with the nature of the agency
3 Criterion: Agency staff, Numbers, Profile, Roles:
Measure: The profile of the staff is consistent with the Mission Statement
4 Criterion: Profile of reviewers:
Measure: The profile of the reviewers is consistent with the Mission Statement
5 Criterion: Independence:
Measure: The judgements and recommendations of the agency’s reports cannot be changed by third parties
6 Criterion: Resources:
Measure: The agency has sufficient resources to run its operations in accordance with its mission statement and objectives
7 Criterion: External quality assurance criteria and processes:
Measure: The description of the processes and criteria applied should be transparent and publicly available and normally include:
self evaluation, site visit, public report and follow-up measure
8 Criterion: Quality assurance:
Measure: The description of the processes and criteria applied should be transparent and publicly available and normally include:
self evaluation, site visit, public report and follow-up measure

Criteria Requirements for Institutional Member

Institutional Member Criteria:
Measure: Institutional Members are institutions of higher education in the region that are in good standing with the relevant quality assurance agency if one exists.
Proof of recognition as a Higher Education Institution: Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan is the relevant local quality assurance agency. All the Engineering programs of the University are accredited by Pakistan Engineering Council. NTU is registered as Professional Engineering body by Pakistan Engineering Council.
Presently, the National Textile University establishes Quality Enhancement Cell. The main functions of Quality Enhancement Cell is given below.
QEC is responsible for promoting public confidence that the quality and standards of the award of degrees are enhanced and safeguarded.
QEC is responsible for the review of quality standards and the quality of teaching and learning in each subject area.
QEC is responsible for the review of academic affiliations with other institutions in terms of effective management of standards and quality of programs.
QEC is responsible to develop qualifications framework by setting out the attributes and abilities that can be expected from the holder of a qualification, i.e. Bachelors, Bachelor with Honors, Masterâ??s, M. Phil., Doctoral.
QEC is responsible to develop quality assurance processes and methods of evaluation to affirm that the quality of provision and the standard of awards are being maintained and to foster curriculum, subject and staff development, together with research and other scholarly activities.
QEC is responsible to ensure that the universityâ??s quality assurance procedures are designed to fit in with the arrangements in place nationally for maintaining and improving the quality of Higher Education.
NTU is offering following degree programs:
Ph.D & M.Sc in Textile Engineering, B.Sc. Textile Engineering with specialization in Yarn Manufacturing, Fabric Manufacturing, Textile Chemistry, Garment Manufacturing, B.Sc. Polymer Engineering, MBA, Bachelor in Computer Science, Bachelor in Textile Design& Technology ,Bachelor in Fashion Design& Technology, Bachelor in Business Administration (B.B.A. Hons), BBA (Honors) in Textile Management & Marketing

The number of students are around 1800.
National Textile University has 4 faculties and 11 departments.

The membership of APQN shall greatly benefit the University in the above mentioned quality
Assurance activities and through information sharing with APQN it shall further benefit through:
a) Promotion of good practices in the maintenance and improvement of quality in higher education;
b) Facilitation of research into the practice of quality management in higher education and its effectiveness;
c) Enabling to provide advice and expertise to assist the development of new quality assurance Agencies;
d) Facilitation of links between accrediting bodies especially insofar as they operate across national borders;
e) Better-informed international recognition of qualifications;
f) Enabling to assist in the development and use of credit transfer schemes to enhance the mobility of students between institutions within and across national borders;

Criteria Requirements for Associate Member

Associate Member Criteria:
Measure:Associate Members are organisations with a major interest and active involvement in evaluation, accreditation and quality assurance in higher education, but without the responsibility for assuring the quality of institutions, education programs, or external quality assurance agencies

Criteria Requirements for Intermediate Member

1 Criterion: Nature of the operations of the agency:
Measure: The agency is responsible for reviews at institutional or programme level of post-secondary education institutions or post-secondary quality assurance agencies
2 Criterion: Mission statement and objectives:
Measure: The agency has formulated a mission statement and objectives which are consistent with the nature of the agency
3 Criterion: :
Proof of the organisation’s good standing with the local QA agency

Criteria Requirements for Observer

Criterion For Observers:
Measure: APQN accepts as Observers organisations outside the Asia-Pacific region, including: external quality assurance agencies; institutions with a major interest in evaluation, accreditation and quality assurance in higher education; other regional networks that have major interests in and strong links with the region

Documentation and Fees

Additional Information: No additional information is required for my application
Upon approval of my application I agree to pay:
  • $500 (Initial Joining Fee: Full Member, Intermediate Member, Associate Member)
  • $200 Member Fee: Institutional Member
I will be applying for support for: None

Documents Submitted

Located in: APQN Members

Contact Us

APQN Administrator
No. 202, South ShaanXi Road,
Shanghai, 200031, P.R. CHINA
Tel: +86 21 5403 1620
Fax: +86 21 5467 0198

Our Location

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