Completed Project Group - PG2

Project group name: Qualifications Frameworks
Project group leader: Dr Manuel T Corpus, Executive Director Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP)
Project group members: Felix Leung, Senior Registrar, Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ), Hong Kong
Dr Judy Forsyth, Executive Officer, Australian Qualifications Framework Advisory Board Secretariat, Australia
Tony Davies, Programme Manager, New Zealand Qualifications Authority, New Zealand
Contact details: 812 Future Point Plaza I
112 Panay Avenue
South Triangle
Quezon City
Tel: +63 2 415 9016
Fax: +63 2 415 8995
Email 1: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Email 2: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Background of this study

This present proposal is the continuation of the study on Qualifications Framework assigned to the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP) as the lead agency. As earlier conceived, it would be a comparative study which would establish the basic data of qualifications framework.

A report on the progress of this project was presented at the 2006 APQN Annual Conference at Shanghai. This report contained the common features of qualifications framework in a few countries/territories: the stage of development, definition of QF, implementing agencies, legal basis or origin of the program, the architecture of qualifications including level descriptors, purposes/uses and a limited information on the practices in formulation or implementation.

The method of data gathering was confined only to visits to websites.


The present proposal will pursue the following objectives:

  1. Update the present data on the common features of qualifications framework in the Asia-Pacific region:
  2. To make comparative study of the dynamics of the conceptualization, formulation and implementation of qualifications framework in various countries/territories; and
  3. Drawing from the results of objective no.2, explore the possibility of designing a proto-type QF for the AP region; and also, assess the importance and relevance of studying the relationship of Qualifications Framework and Quality Assurance.

As intimated above, the primary focus of this study is objective no.2 The following subjects/issues will be described/answered and analyzed in studying the process of conceptualizing, formulating and/or implementing the Qualifications Framework in the different AP countries/territories:

  1. What are the motivations of introducing QF? Economic? Political? Educational?
  2. Is QF internally-driven, or externally (foreign) driven?
  3. Who are the active participants?
  4. Describe the process adopted in the conceptualization, formulation and implementation of QF.
  5. What are the barriers, obstacles or difficulties in conceptualizing, formulating and implementing the QF?
  6. What are the conditions that lead to success?
  7. What are the good practices that other countries/territories can learn from or adopt.


We will gather data/information through its following means:

  1. Study of documents and visit to web sites;
  2. Questionnaires will be issued through e-mail.

Compilation, analysis and interpretation of data will be made, and come out with a Group Report, and country/territory case studies.


  1. Group Report
  2. Country/Territory case studies on:
    • New Zealand
    • Australia
    • Hong kong
    • Sri Lanka
    • Philippines

Time Schedule

  • Time Schedule · June – September, 2006 – Team/case writers adopt a common questionnaire and report outline -Issue out questionnaire, visit web sites and study materials
  • October 31, 2006 – come out with draft report.
  • January 15, 2007 – finalize report.
  • February, 2007 – submit report during the APQN Annual Conference at Kuala Lumpur

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