Deepthi Chandrika Bandara

Nominated By: Deepthi Chandrika Bandara
Nominee Application Form: Part A
Title: Professor
Mailing Address: 202 E, Riverdale Road, Kandy, Sri Lanka
Country: Sri Lanka
Office Telephone: 94 81 2395249
Nationality/Citizenship: Sri Lankan
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: no date set
Current Position: Senior Professor
Current Employer: University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Please indicate your fluency levels in various languages (Comma Separated)
Fluent in Reading: English/Sinhalese
Fluent in Writing: English/Sinhalese
Fluent in Speaking: English/Sinhalese
Academic Qualifications and Training
1. Degree, Institution, Year Completed: BSc (Agric) University of Peradeniya,1978
2. Degree, Institution, Year Completed: MS Pennsylvania State University,1983
3. Degree, Institution, Year Completed: PhD Pennsylvania State University,1986
Nominee Application Form: Part B
  • Institutional quality assurance reviews / audits
  • Setting up of new QA agency
Examples of Experience: National & International Consultations / Audit / Review
1. Brief Description: Served as a team member of the Institution Review panel
Institution/City/Country: Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka
Nominee Application Form: Part C
Please write a professional profile of 500 words.
Professional Summary Description: "I am a Senior Professor from the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. I served as the first full time Director of the Quality Assurance Council of the University Grants Commission of Sri Lanka from 2016 ¨C 2018 and then as a QA consultant to UGC till mid-2019. During these period, I was able to successfully implement the following.

?Coordinate all activities related to the hosting and successful completion of the International Network for Higher Education (INQAAHE) 15th Biennial Conference by the UGC in March 2019
?Coordinate all activities related to the hosting and successful completion of the Asia Pacific Quality Network (APQN) 15th Annual Academic Conference by the UGC in March 2019
?Keep abreast with quality assurance and accreditation criteria adopted by other countries and provide leadership to the State Universities of Sri Lanka to upgrade all quality assurance activities in Universities to reach comparable standards of international universities in such practices.
?Provide guidance to the Internal Quality Assurance Units of State universities by designing and implementing a Performance Score Card by which the Universities develop quality assurance mechanisms to encompass all academic and non- academic activities in the provision of an acceptable educational experience to students admitted to State Universities.
?Provide leadership and guidance in adoption and implementation of the updated version of the Sri Lanka Qualification Framework of Sept 2015.
?Redesign the application templates for new undergraduate and postgraduate program applications so that State Universities are guided to design their new programs to capture the SLQF and quality assurance aspects expected in other countries.
?Evaluation of such new program proposals and provide advice in upgrading their quality to required standards.
?Develop selection criteria for reviewers of undergraduate Study Program reviewers and Institutional reviewers. Establish a procedure for calling applications for transparent application procedure for reviewers, assist in selection of suitable personnel and provide training to selected reviewers.
?Launch program reviews for the Social Sciences and Humanities of all Universities in 2017, Management, Commerce, Law and Education programs of all Universities in 2018 and provide schedules for the review of other study programs till 2022.
?Schedule all Institutional reviews of State Universities and conduct them as scheduled. Four undertaken in 2017 and two undertaken in 2018.
?Develop a schedule for the Higher Education Review process so that all State Universities prepare themselves adequately for reviews.
?Assist the UGC in recognition of requests for degree programs, qualifications etc sent by State Co-operations, other Government Institutes and individuals.
?Develop the initial and comprehensive proposals to bid for the hosting of the
INQAAHE world conference in 2019 and assist the UGC team to win the bid.

?Develop selection criteria for benchmark formulation panels and initiate the Formulation of benchmarks for the next decade activity.
?Update the QAC website to provide information on QA activities in other countries as well as activities undertaken by the QAC at UGC.
?Work towards financial sustainability of QAC to ensure its continuity and independence as a self- financing Centre.
?As a member of the Standing Committee on Accreditation and Quality Assurance (SCAQA) at the Ministry of Higher Education, provide guidance and contribution to upgrade quality of higher education programs in Non- State HEIs of the country.

Later, I was commissioned to undertake the following till end of 2019.
?Chairperson of the Advisory Committee to Develop Minimum Standards for Non- State Higher Education Institutes of Sri Lanka- February 2019 to Nov 2019 - appointed by the Secretary/Ministry of Higher Education, Sri Lanka
?Member of the Team to Review the Sri Lanka Qualification Framework Implementation ¨C March 2019 to present- appointed by the Project Director/AHEAD Program (sponsored by the World Bank) of the Ministry of Higher Education, Sri Lanka
In addition to the work on quality assurance I have been a champion on curriculum development, staff development and teaching methodology for over 30 years contributing immensely to the enhancement of higher education in Sri Lanka."

Documents Submitted

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