Azmat Abbas

Nominated By: Zia Btool
Nominee Application Form: Part A
Title: Doctor
Family Names(s): Syed
Mailing Address: 153 A Abu Bakr Block
New Garden Town
Lahore 54600, PAKISTAN
Country: Pakistan
Office Telephone: (+92 42) 3571 0480
Office Fax: (+92 42) 3571 1651
Residence Telephone: (+92 333) 435 9093
Nationality/Citizenship: Pakistani
Date of Birth: 15-07-1952
Current Position: Rector
Current Employer: Imperial College of Business Studies, Lahore
Please indicate your fluency levels in various languages (Comma Separated)
Fluent in Reading: English,Urdu
Fluent in Writing: English,Urdu
Fluent in Speaking: English,Urdu
Academic Qualifications and Training
1. Degree, Institution, Year Completed: BBA -Accounting,University of Oklahoma, USA,1982
2. Degree, Institution, Year Completed: MBA -Finance,Univrsity of Arkansas, USA,1983
3. Degree, Institution, Year Completed: PhD -FInance,University of Arkansas, USA,1988
Nominee Application Form: Part B
  • Institutional quality assurance reviews / audits
  • Program reviews / accreditations
  • General QA consultancy
  • Internal QA of institutions
  • External Review of QAAs
  • Institutional assessment
  • Institutional quality audits
  • Institutional accreditation
  • Research assessment
Examples of Experience: National & International Consultations / Audit / Review
1. Brief Description: Chaired a 3-member team to conduct an internal institutional audit to ensure compliance with ISO 9001 certification standards.
Institution/City/Country: Imperial College of Business Studies, Lahore, Pakistan
Date: 2007
Type of Experience:
  • Institutional Audit / Assessment
2. Brief Description: Delivered a 3-day workshop on conducting internal program reviews. Workshop was intended for senior academics from public and private universities.
Institution/City/Country: Sponsored by Higher Education Department, Government of Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
Date: December, 2005
Type of Experience:
  • Consultancy
Nominee Application Form: Part C
Please write a professional profile of 500 words.
Professional Summary Description: AREAS OF TEACHING & PROFESSIONAL INTEREST:

Corporate Finance; Investments; Accounting; Quality Assurance in Higher Education


1991-todate President/Rector, Imperial College of Business Studies (ICBS), Lahore, Pakistan. ICBS is an independent college established with the initial assistance of University of Hull, UK ( ICBS offers degree programs in Business Administration and Computer Science and is chartered as a degree-awarding institution by the Government of the Punjab.
Directed and actively involved in: the chartering process (equivalent of accreditation) with the Government of the Punjab; supervised curriculum development and review; quality assurance; faculty hiring; developed linkages with the industry and government; developed student articulation agreements/MoUs with universities in the USA and UK. Introduced the first online student assessment of teaching and satisfaction survey in Pakistan.

1988-91 Director/Dean, Institute of Management Sciences, Chartered as a degree-awarding institution by Government of the Punjab (
As the chief operating and academic officer was responsible for the overall academic and administrative affairs of the institution. Critically reviewed and implemented new curricula at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Established administrative policies and procedures, recruited faculty and senior staff, and managed the academic affairs and quality assurance of the institution. Developed academic linkages with universities in the USA.

1983-87 Instructor, Department of Finance and Department of Computer Studies and Quantitative Analysis, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, USA.


Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education in UK (QAA):
Trained as an auditor for academic review and audit of higher education institutions (HEIs), London, July 2005.

Delivered seminars and workshops on regional approaches to accreditation and quality assurance.

Directed and supervised chartering of ICBS with the Government of the Punjab and its ISO 9001-2000 certification. ICBS is the first business school in Punjab to get the ISO certification.


The Impact of Insider Trading on the Information Content of the Wall Street Journalâ??s Heard on the Street Column, with P. Liu and Stanley D. Smith, Journal of Financial Research, Vol. 15, No. 2, Summer 1992, pp. 181-188.
An early version of this study was the subject of Study Says Impact of Journal Column Fell After Scandal, Wall Street Journal, November 30, 1988, p. C19.

Stock Price Reactions to Wall Street Journalâ??s Securities Recommendations, with P. Liu and Stanley D. Smith, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 25, No. 3, September 1990, pp. 399-410.

Market Impact of Secondary Dissemination of Security Recommendations, with Fazal J. Seyyed and James R. Scott, WIU Journal of Business, Volume 2, Number 1, Spring 1990, 17-28.

Exploitation of Inside Information at the Wall Street Journal, with P. Liu and Stanley D. Smith, Financial Review, Vol. 24, No. 4, November 1989, pp. 567-579.

Investment Advisory Services Recommendations and Security Prices, with Fazal J. Seyyed, presented at the March 1988 annual meeting of the Southwestern Finance Association, San Antonio, Texas.

Dr. Syedâ??s research work has also been cited by some undergraduate and graduate finance and investments textbooks in the USA.

Documents Submitted

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