Svetlana Panasenko

Nominated By: Svetlana Panasenko
Nominee Application Form: Part A
Title: Doctor
Mailing Address: "109548, Moscow, Guryanov's street, the house 4, building 2,
apartment 264"
Country: Russia
Office Telephone: "+7 (499) 237-93-61, +7-916-1738015"
Nationality/Citizenship: Russian
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: no date set
Current Position: Head of the basic Department of trade policy
Current Employer: Plekhanov Russian university of economics
Please indicate your fluency levels in various languages (Comma Separated)
Fluent in Reading: English;Russian
Fluent in Writing: Russian
Fluent in Speaking: Russian
Academic Qualifications and Training
1. Degree, Institution, Year Completed: "PhD in economics (candidate of economics) North Caucasus state technical University Russian Federation 2001"
2. Degree, Institution, Year Completed: "Doctor of economics North Caucasus state technical University Russian Federation 2007"
3. Degree, Institution, Year Completed: "Master's degree in practical psychology Moscow state psychological and pedagogical Institute Russian Federation 2015"
Nominee Application Form: Part B
  • Program reviews / accreditations
  • Internal QA of institutions
Examples of Experience: National & International Consultations / Audit / Review
1. Brief Description: "Participation in
the international
professional and
accreditation of
the cluster of
programs in the
direction of
Institution/City/Country: "Lobachevsky national research Nizhny Novgorod state University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia"
Type of Experience:
  • Programme Review / Accreditation
Nominee Application Form: Part C
Please write a professional profile of 500 words.
Professional Summary Description: "Svetlana Viktorovna Panasenko, born in 1970, has two higher educations: economic and
psychological. Has production and administrative experience. Currently, she is the head of the
basic Department of trade policy. Research interests: digital economy, trade business
management, sales psychology, marketing research.
Has experience in training students in the following areas: ""Management"", ""State and
municipal management"", ""Trade"", ""Economy"". She has repeatedly participated in the
professional development of state and municipal employees, in the Presidential program for
training management personnel and in the professional development of teachers.
Currently, she teaches courses: innovative marketing communications, marketing
fundamentals, marketing research, research methodology and methods, regional trade
strategy, project management, consumer behavior, and staff marketing.
Previously, she taught the following disciplines: public administration system, history of public
administration, management, strategic management, quality and competitiveness
management, non-profit management, fundamentals of Economics.
He has more than 190 publications, including textbooks, monographs, and textbooks. The
Hirsch index is 16. Marked in the Ranking of the Top 100 most cited Russian scientists. He is
one of the 300 best teachers of Plekhanov Russian university of economics. Included in the
encyclopedia ""Famous Scientists of Russia?,
He is the chief editor of the Trade and economic journal, responsible editor for preparing ?The
analytical Bulletin? of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics ""Modern trends in the
development of goods and services markets"".
Total work experience is 28 years. Work experience in education is 24 years.
Research 2018-2020: ""Research of the market of meat and by-products"", ""Study of the
internal grain market and the export potential of Russia in the conditions of economic
sanctions,"" ""The Market of agricultural products and characteristics of retail trade in terms of
import?, ?Trends and prospects of development of trade of dairy products tailored to the
market"", ""Potential sales of food products in terms of the development of electronic
Commerce"", ""Expert-analytical and consulting support on the development of measures for
the development of electronic Commerce in the Russian Federation?, ""Development of
methodology and formation of mechanisms for managing intangible resources in the field of
e-Commerce based on a value-oriented model"".
She has repeatedly taken an active part in the development of strategies and programs for the
development of individual subjects of the Russian Federation, districts, cities and industries.
Since 2010, she has been a member of the Guild of experts in professional education, is
included in the national register of experts in assessing the quality of education, and has
experience in conducting educational examinations for state and professional public
He is one of the experts on design and research works in the ""Economic direction"" of the
Moscow city competition. Participated in the Moscow international salon of education in the
meeting of the expert Council of the Ministry of education on the development of the digital
environment of education. Has awards: diploma and badge ""Golden chair of Russia"" in 2018
from the Russian Academy of natural science. He is a member of the Expert Council of the
public relations Committee of the Moscow city Government."

Documents Submitted

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