
Nominated By: Tariq Alsindi
Nominee Application Form: Part A
Title: Doctor
Family Names(s): Coutts
Mailing Address: PO Box 33349 Isa Town
Country: Bahrain
Office Telephone: +973 3653 7000
Nationality/Citizenship: New Zealand & British
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 30-05-1952
Current Position: Executive Director Projects
Current Employer: Bahrain Polytechnic
Please indicate your fluency levels in various languages (Comma Separated)
Fluent in Reading: ENGLISH
Fluent in Writing: ENGLISH
Fluent in Speaking: ENGLISH
Academic Qualifications and Training
1. Degree, Institution, Year Completed: TCDip (Distinction), Christchurch Teachers College, Christchurch, NZ, 1973
2. Degree, Institution, Year Completed: B Sc, Victoria University of Wellington NZ, 1972
3. Degree, Institution, Year Completed: Ed D, Massey University Palmerston North NZ, 2007
4. Degree, Institution, Year Completed: MEd Admin (Honours), Massey University Palmerston North NZ, 1996
Nominee Application Form: Part B
  • Institutional quality assurance reviews / audits
  • Program reviews / accreditations
  • General QA consultancy
  • Setting up of new QA agency
  • Training of experts/external reviewers
  • Internal QA of institutions
  • Self study guidance to institutions
  • External review of institutions
  • Quality Indicators and benchmarks
  • External Review of QAAs
  • Institutional assessment
  • Institutional quality audits
  • Institutional accreditation
  • QA of cross border offerings
  • Student feedback and surveys
  • Research assessment
Other (please specify): establishment of Quality assurance systems, development ofvquality management systems including the policies, procedures and regulations; establishment of review and audit cycle with appropriate metho
Examples of Experience: National & International Consultations / Audit / Review
1. Brief Description: As the APNZ (Association of Polytechnics in New Zealand) representative assisted the Colleges of Education national association council (CEAC) to design an appropriate Quality Assurance model, including QMS and a review and audit cycle
Institution/City/Country: CEAC Wellington NZ
Date: 1994-5
Type of Experience:
  • Consultancy
2. Brief Description: Conducted an analysis of the effectiveness of 11 external reviews/audits for Ministry of Education
Institution/City/Country: Bahrain Polytechnic, Bahrain
Date: 2013
Type of Experience:
  • Consultancy
  • Institutional Audit / Assessment
3. Brief Description: Conducted a gap analysis of the marketplace, including consultations with industry and the school and tertiary landscape, to identify a suitable model for a new Polytechnic in Bahrain. From this plans for a relevant and engaging Curriculum and a QA system were developed.
Institution/City/Country: Polytechnics International NZ (PINZ), Bahrain
Date: 2007-8
Type of Experience:
  • Consultancy
4. Brief Description: Implemented QMS, ensuring NZQA/NZPPC accreditation requirements were met, resulting in institutional accreditation and 64 programme approvals. Was also involved as an auditor for ITPNZ later on.
Institution/City/Country: Wanganui Polytechnic/NorthTec, both institutions in NZ
Date: 1994-2007
Type of Experience:
  • Consultancy
  • Institutional Audit / Assessment
  • Programme Review / Accreditation
Nominee Application Form: Part C
Please write a professional profile of 500 words.
Professional Summary Description: Dr. Chris Coutts is currently Executive Director Projects at Bahrain Polytechnic. She brings thirty years of quality assurance, management and leadership experience in the education sector, working as Executive Dean and Academic Director in three polytechnics, as Principal of a girls’ secondary school and as a Liaison Officer for the Ministry of Education.
Chris began her interest in Quality when she was a university student employed by J Wattie Canneries as a Quality Control Officer during the summer vacations. In line with overseas trends quality concepts originating in industry were applied to New Zealand’s education sector in the 1990’s and Chris took an active part in this.
At Wanganui Polytechnic Chris set-up a quality management system, developing policies and procedures, and ensuring these were implemented at programme level. This resulted in institutional accreditation followed by accreditation of the Polytechnics 64 programmes. As Principal of Wanganui Girls College, with its 120 Bed Hostel, Chris developed a QMS to meet the needs of a secondary school, a process that required adherence to the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students, as well as consideration of Ministry of Education guidelines.
Over this period Chris supported other practitioners in an advisory capacity, assisting in the development of quality assurance systems in other polytechnics, colleges of education, schools and for government agencies such as Ministry of Transport and Department of Corrections. A member of the New Zealand Organization for Quality, Chris has acted as an auditor for ITP Quality, which was the agency that approved, accredited and audited all polytechnics and institutes of technology within New Zealand. She was also a Polytechnic sector representative on several Ministerial and national advisory groups.
Chris was part of the PINZ start-up consultant team contracted by EDB to establish Bahrain Polytechnic in 2007, and as part of this project she conducted a gap analysis of what was needed in the market and then developed both the Quality and Curriculum plans. She was later employed to implement these plans, appointing and training Bahraini Nationals and devising policies, systems and procedures to ensure there was the capacity and capability necessary for a sustainable quality assured Higher Education Institution. As part of her current role at Bahrain Polytechnic, Chris is Chair of the Research Committee and until recently she was also Chair of the Academic Quality Assurance Committee and Deputy Chair of Academic Board. She continues to provide ongoing advice and support to both the Academic and Quality teams within the Polytechnic and has been involved in the development of strategic planning underpinned by industry consultation. As well, Chris is driving the Work Integrated Learning initiative, which encompasses the Employability Skills Research Project and oversight of Work Experience and Industry Cooperative Projects. She has continued to support the implementation of national quality and qualifications framework initiatives here in Bahrain, and has been involved in several working parties established to further these developments.

Documents Submitted

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