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APQN Members

National University of Modern Languages Islamabad
Membership Type: Institutional
Email: directorqec@numl.edu.pk
Year in which Organisation/Agency commenced operations: 2006

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Title: Dr
First Name: Naveed
Surname: Akhtar
Job Title: Director Quality Enhacement Cell
Phone: +92-333-5156926
Fax: +92-51-9265072
Email Id: directorqec@numl.edu.pk
Alternative Email Id: nakhtar@numl.edu.pk

Organisation Details

National University of Modern Languages Islamabad
Address: Dr. Naveed Akhtar, Director QEC, National University of Modern Languages, H-9, Islamabad, Pakistan
Website: http://numl.edu.pk/
University of the Punjab, Lahore
Membership Type: Institutional
Email: ijazaamir@yahoo.com
Year in which Organisation/Agency commenced operations: 2002
Countries/regions/states of operation: Pakistan

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Title: Prof. Dr
First Name: Aamir
Surname: Ijaz
Job Title: Director, Quality Enhancement Cell
Phone: +92 42 99237019
Fax: +92 42 923 1159
Email Id: ijazaamir@yahoo.com
Alternative Email Id: director.qec@pu.edu.pk

Organisation Details

University of the Punjab, Lahore
Address: Quality Enhancement Cell, 1st Floor, Institute of Chemical Engineering & Technology, University of the Punjab, New Campus, Lahore-Pakistan
Website: http://pu.edu.pk/home/qec/qec.html
Indonesian Accreditation Agency For Higher Education In Health (IAAHEH/ LAM-PTKes)
Membership Type: Full
Email: watib4150@gmail.com
Year in which Organisation/Agency commenced operations: 2015
Countries/regions/states of operation: Indonesia

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Title: Professor
First Name: Setyowati
Surname: Brotosudirdjo
Job Title: Head of Nursing Division of IAAHEH
Phone: +6282213460404
Fax: +627864124
Email Id: watib4150@gmail.com
Alternative Email Id: wati123@ui.ac.id

Organisation Details

Indonesian Accreditation Agency For Higher Education In Health (IAAHEH/ LAM-PTKes)
Address: Jalan Sekolah Duta 1 No. 62, RT 003, RW 014, Kelurahan Pondok Pinang, Kecamatan Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia 12310
Website: http://www.lamptkes.org
Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP)
Membership Type: Full
Email: manuel.corpus@aaccupqa.org.ph
Year in which Organisation/Agency commenced operations: 1989
Countries/regions/states of operation: Philippines

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Title: Dr
First Name: Manuel
Surname: Corpus
Job Title: Executive Director
Phone: +632-961-3317
Fax: +632-961-3316
Email Id: manuel.corpus@aaccupqa.org.ph
Alternative Email Id: manueltcorpus@yahoo.com

Organisation Details

Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP)
Address: 5A-B Future Point Plaza 3, 111 Panay Avenue, South Triangle, Quezon City, Philippines 1103
Website: http://www.aaccupqa.org.ph
New Zealand Qualifications Authority
Membership Type: Full
Email: elizabeth.templeton@nzqa.govt.nz
Year in which Organisation/Agency commenced operations: 1990
Countries/regions/states of operation: New Zealand Nuie Cook Islands

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Title: Dr
First Name: Karen
Surname: Poutasi
Job Title: Chief Executive Officer
Phone: +64 4 802 3000
Fax: +64 4 802 3112
Email Id: karen.poutasi@nzqa.govt.nz

Organisation Details

New Zealand Qualifications Authority
Address: Street address: Level 13 125 The Terrace Wellington New Zealand Postal address: PO Box 160 Wellington New Zealand
New Zealand
Website: http://nzqa.govt.nz
Accreditation Committee of Cambodia
Membership Type: Full
Email: info@acc.gov.kh
Year in which Organisation/Agency commenced operations: 2003
Countries/regions/states of operation: Cambodia, nationwide

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Title: Mr
First Name: Montaya
Surname: SAN
Job Title: Secretary-General
Phone: +855 11970551
Fax: +855 23 725 743
Email Id: accaffaire@gmail.com
Alternative Email Id: info@acc.gov.kh

Organisation Details

Accreditation Committee of Cambodia
Address: Office of the Council Building # 41, Russian Federation Blvd, Phnom Penh
Website: http://www.acc.gov.kh

Contact Us

APQN Administrator
No. 202, South ShaanXi Road,
Shanghai, 200031, P.R. CHINA
Tel: +86 21 5403 1620
Fax: +86 21 5467 0198
Email: apqnsecretariat@163.comĀ 

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