China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center

Membership Type: Full
Year in which Organisation/Agency commenced operations: 2003

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Title: Mr
First Name: Lisheng
Surname: Wang
Job Title: Director General
Phone: +86-10-82378161
Fax: +86-10-82378161
Email Id:
Alternative Email Id:

Nominated Contact Person (if different from CEO)

Title: Dr
First Name: Mengquan
Surname: Lin
Job Title: Director
Phone: +86-10-82379488
Fax: +86-10-82379489
Email Id:
Alternative Email Id:

Organisation Details

China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center
Address: F17-18, Building B, No.1 Wangzhuang Road,Haidian District, Beijing, 100083, P.R. China

Additional Contacts

Criteria Requirements for Full Member

1 Criterion: Nature of the operations of the agency:
Measure: The agency is responsible for reviews at institutional or programme level of post-secondary
education institutions or post-secondary quality assurance agencies
Description: To engage in scientific researches into academic degrees and graduate education, providing counseling for The Ministry of Education and The Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council in formulating policies concerned.

To undertake the task of evaluating and appraising the academic degrees and graduate education, entrusted by The Ministry of Education and The Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council. And when necessary, CDGDC has the authority to independently conduct the similar tasks entrusted by any social establishments.

To undertake the task of test paper setting and test administration for the two types of examinations: the national tests for the equivalently qualified master degree applicants, and the national entrance examinations for the professional master degree applicants in part-time study programs.

To engage in the researches into the degree equivalency between China and foreign countries, mainland China and its special regions Hongkong, Macao, and Taiwan, providing the counseling for reciprocal degree acknowledgement agreements in this area. Empowered by the government, CDGDC can sign cooperation agreements concerning degree and graduate education evaluation and acknowledgement with nongovernmental and unofficial organizations.

To provide services for degree and related materials accreditation, authentication and consulting.

To undertake the task of the construction and maintenance of the information systems for the national academic degrees and graduate education and provide services in this area to the public.

To conduct nongovernmental international exchange and cooperation in academic degrees and graduate education.

To manage the magazine China Postgraduates and undertake the editing, publishing and issuing affairs for the journal Academic Degrees & Graduate Education, entrusted by ADCSC.

To undertake the other related responsibilities concerning academic degrees and graduate education.
2 Criterion: Mission statement and objectives:
Measure: The agency has formulated a mission statement and objectives which are consistent with the nature of the agency
Description: Entrusted by The Ministry of Education and The Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, to conduct evaluation of any programs or universities intending to award Master/Doctoral-degrees in China, and regular review of the approved Master/Doctoral-degree-awarding programs.

To engage in the researches into the degree equivalency between China and foreign countries, mainland China and its special regions Hongkong, Macao, and Taiwan, providing the counseling for reciprocal degree acknowledgement agreements in this area. Empowered by the government, CDGDC can sign cooperation agreements concerning degree and graduate education evaluation and acknowledgement with nongovernmental and unofficial organizations.

To provide services for degree and related materials accreditation, authentication and consulting.

To undertake the task of the construction and maintenance of the information systems for the national academic degrees and graduate education and provide services in this area to the public.

To conduct nongovernmental international exchange and cooperation in academic degrees and graduate education.

To manage the magazine China Postgraduates and undertake the editing, publishing and issuing affairs for the journal Academic Degrees & Graduate Education, entrusted by ADCSC.

To undertake the other related responsibilities concerning academic degrees and graduate education.
3 Criterion: Agency staff, Numbers, Profile, Roles:
Measure: The profile of the staff is consistent with the Mission Statement
Description: Full-time: 15
Part-time: 1
Director General and Deputy Directors are appointed by the Education Ministor
4 Criterion: Profile of reviewers:
Measure: The profile of the reviewers is consistent with the Mission Statement
Description: Over 4000 people were used as peer reviewers in a typical year. All are with academic background
5 Criterion: Independence:
Measure: The judgements and recommendations of the agency’s reports cannot be changed by third parties
Description: CDGDC is an independent entity and makes a yes/no decision.
6 Criterion: Resources:
Measure: The agency has sufficient resources to run its operations in accordance with its mission statement and objectives
Description: the proportions of the Agency's funding that are derived from the following:
Government: 0%
Institutions: 100%
Others: 0%
7 Criterion: External quality assurance criteria and processes:
Measure: The description of the processes and criteria applied should be transparent and publicly available and normally include:
self evaluation, site visit, public report and follow-up measure
Description: self evaluation, site visit, public report and follow-up measure.In the case of regular evalutaion, the institutions that fall within the remit of CDGDC do so on a compulsory base., but it is on a voluntary base for program ranking.
8 Criterion: Quality assurance:
Measure: The description of the processes and criteria applied should be transparent and publicly available and normally include:
self evaluation, site visit, public report and follow-up measure
Description: procedures and indexes shall be approved by the Ministry before it is practiced

Criteria Requirements for Institutional Member

Institutional Member Criteria:
Measure: Institutional Members are institutions of higher education in the region that are in good standing with the relevant quality assurance agency if one exists.
Proof of recognition as a Higher Education Institution: Applicable Only For Institutional Members
Proof of the organisation’s good standing with the local QA agency: Applicable Only For Institutional Members

Criteria Requirements for Associate Member

Associate Member Criteria:
Measure:Associate Members are organisations with a major interest and active involvement in evaluation, accreditation and quality assurance in higher education, but without the responsibility for assuring the quality of institutions, education programs, or external quality assurance agencies
Applicable Only For Associate Members

Criteria Requirements for Intermediate Member

1 Criterion: Nature of the operations of the agency:
Measure: The agency is responsible for reviews at institutional or programme level of post-secondary education institutions or post-secondary quality assurance agencies
Description: Applicable Only For Intermediate Members
2 Criterion: Mission statement and objectives:
Measure: The agency has formulated a mission statement and objectives which are consistent with the nature of the agency
Applicable Only For Intermediate Members
3 Criterion: :
Proof of the organisation’s good standing with the local QA agency
Applicable Only For Intermediate Members

Criteria Requirements for Observer

Criterion For Observers:
Measure: APQN accepts as Observers organisations outside the Asia-Pacific region, including: external quality assurance agencies; institutions with a major interest in evaluation, accreditation and quality assurance in higher education; other regional networks that have major interests in and strong links with the region
Criteria Requirements for Observer: Applicable Only For Observers

Documentation and Fees

Additional Information: I will be emailing additional supporting information
Upon approval of my application I agree to pay:
  • $500 (Initial Joining Fee: Full Member, Intermediate Member, Associate Member)
  • $300 Member Fee: Full Member, Intermediate Member (if not INQAAHE Member)
I will be applying for support for: Both Initial Joining Fee and Membership Fee

Documents Submitted

Located in: APQN Members

Contact Us

APQN Administrator
No. 202, South ShaanXi Road,
Shanghai, 200031, P.R. CHINA
Tel: +86 21 5403 1620
Fax: +86 21 5467 0198

Our Location

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