Taiwan Assessment and Evaluation Association

Membership Type: Full
Email: lynn@twaea.org.tw
Year in which Organisation/Agency commenced operations: 2003
Countries/regions/states of operation: Chinese Taipei

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Title: Dr.
First Name: Chi-Yeh
Surname: Yung
Job Title: Chairman
Phone: +886-2-33431131
Fax: +886-2-23947261
Email Id: chairman@twaea.org.tw
Alternative Email Id: ylchou@twaea.org.tw

Nominated Contact Person (if different from CEO)

Title: Ms
First Name: Patty
Surname: Tsai
Job Title: Assistant Project Manager
Phone: +886-2-33431181
Fax: +886-2-23947261
Email Id: patty167@twaea.org.tw

Organisation Details

Taiwan Assessment and Evaluation Association
Address: 5F-1 No 3 Nanhai Road Zhongzheng District Taipei City
Website: https://www.twaea.org.tw

Additional Contacts

Criteria Requirements for Full Member

1 Criterion: Nature of the operations of the agency:
Measure: The agency is responsible for reviews at institutional or programme level of post-secondary
education institutions or post-secondary quality assurance agencies
Description: The Taiwan Assessemnt and Evaluation Association (TWAEA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the development and promotion of evaluation knowledge and techniques, and is a seasonsed provider of evaluation services. TWAEA was jointly founded by senior members of the academia and business sectors who have experiences in evaluation affairs, and is dedicated to establish an open, transparent and reasonable evaluation mechanism and to promote evaluation knowledge. As a professional evaluation organization wtih public credibility, TWAEA aims to provide important guidelines and encouragement for institutions to undergo self-improvment and achieve external and internal quality assurance, so that each institution can soundly develop twoards its own mission on a diversified basis. For past years, TWAEA has been reasonable for evaluating and assessing post-secondary education institutions, including public and private ones.
2 Criterion: Mission statement and objectives:
Measure: The agency has formulated a mission statement and objectives which are consistent with the nature of the agency
Description: TWAEA aims to develop and promote evaluation knowledge and techniques, and to provide evaluation services. Our mission include: to promote evaluation knowledge and techniques, to further the development of evaluation techniques, to engage in the research of evaluation techniques, to provide evaluation services, to conduct evaluations commissioned by various organizations, to provide consultation on evaluation related matters, to host academic conferences and symposia on evaluation topics, to offer guidance and assistance to organizations implementing evaluation projects, and to engage in other evaluation related affairs.
3 Criterion: Agency staff, Numbers, Profile, Roles:
Measure: The profile of the staff is consistent with the Mission Statement
Description: TWAEA was established in 2003, with a Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, and a Secretariat. The Secretary-General leads a group of full-time staff.

The Business Division assists public and private institutions to hold symposiums, workshops, seminars, training courses, and publish evaluation journals.

The Projects Division assists public and private institutions in conducting research on evaluation techniques, accepts commissions from government agencies to conduct evaluation projects, and provides evaluation services to private industries.

The International Affairs Division maintains contact and exchange with foreign evaluation agencies and academic institutions, plans receptions for visiting foreign scholars and experts, collects data on international higher education evalution, and conducts research and analysis.

The Administraion and Accounting Division handles membership services and information, personnel data, general office and clerical operations, and accounting.
4 Criterion: Profile of reviewers:
Measure: The profile of the reviewers is consistent with the Mission Statement
Description: We have a clear and set standard in nominating the reviewers, as well as a set standard to avoid conflict of interests. Reviewers must come from different backgrounds, including academic (universities, technological universities, colleges and junior colleges), governmental agencies, and business sectors.
5 Criterion: Independence:
Measure: The judgements and recommendations of the agency’s reports cannot be changed by third parties
Description: We are commissioned by the Ministry of Education as an independent evaluation agency, and our decision can not be altered or influenced by any third party. In case of dispute, appeal may be filed and subject to review.
6 Criterion: Resources:
Measure: The agency has sufficient resources to run its operations in accordance with its mission statement and objectives
Description: Commissioned by the Ministry of Education, we have resources from the government to support our operation. We also gather financial resources by hosting events like seminars, symposiums and trips.
7 Criterion: External quality assurance criteria and processes:
Measure: The description of the processes and criteria applied should be transparent and publicly available and normally include:
self evaluation, site visit, public report and follow-up measure
Description: Our evaluation process include self-evaluation of the institutions and on-site visits. Results of the evaluations are then made public online (our official website as well as the website of the Ministry of Education). Appeals may be filed in case of dispute.
8 Criterion: Quality assurance:
Measure: The description of the processes and criteria applied should be transparent and publicly available and normally include:
self evaluation, site visit, public report and follow-up measure
Description: We have been certified by the Ministry of Education to be professional evaluation agency here in Taiwan.

Criteria Requirements for Institutional Member

Institutional Member Criteria:
Measure: Institutional Members are institutions of higher education in the region that are in good standing with the relevant quality assurance agency if one exists.
Proof of recognition as a Higher Education Institution: Applicable Only For Institutional Members
Proof of the organisation’s good standing with the local QA agency: Applicable Only For Institutional Members

Criteria Requirements for Associate Member

Associate Member Criteria:
Measure:Associate Members are organisations with a major interest and active involvement in evaluation, accreditation and quality assurance in higher education, but without the responsibility for assuring the quality of institutions, education programs, or external quality assurance agencies
Applicable Only For Associate Members

Criteria Requirements for Intermediate Member

1 Criterion: Nature of the operations of the agency:
Measure: The agency is responsible for reviews at institutional or programme level of post-secondary education institutions or post-secondary quality assurance agencies
Description: Applicable Only For Intermediate Members
2 Criterion: Mission statement and objectives:
Measure: The agency has formulated a mission statement and objectives which are consistent with the nature of the agency
Applicable Only For Intermediate Members
3 Criterion: :
Proof of the organisation’s good standing with the local QA agency
Applicable Only For Intermediate Members

Criteria Requirements for Observer

Criterion For Observers:
Measure: APQN accepts as Observers organisations outside the Asia-Pacific region, including: external quality assurance agencies; institutions with a major interest in evaluation, accreditation and quality assurance in higher education; other regional networks that have major interests in and strong links with the region
Criteria Requirements for Observer: Applicable Only For Observers

Documentation and Fees

Additional Information: I will be posting additional supporting information
Upon approval of my application I agree to pay:
  • $500 (Initial Joining Fee: Full Member, Intermediate Member, Associate Member)

Documents Submitted




Located in: APQN Members

Contact Us

APQN Administrator
No. 202, South ShaanXi Road,
Shanghai, 200031, P.R. CHINA
Tel: +86 21 5403 1620
Fax: +86 21 5467 0198
Email: apqnsecretariat@163.com 

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