Constitution - Governing Bodies

VI. Governing Bodies

25.    The governing bodies and authorities of APQN are the General Council and the Board.

26.    The General Council is composed of Full Members, Intermediate Members, Associate Members and Institutional Members of APQN, each represented by one nominated person.

27.    The General Council shall meet at least once every year, and notice of the meeting shall be given via email at least 21 days in advance.

28.    All notices of motion shall be given via email and published on the website.

29.    The Full and Intermediate Members present at an in-person meeting of the General Council constitute a quorum for the meeting; for an electronic meeting, 30% of the Full and Intermediate Members of APQN constitute a quorum.

30.    Full and Intermediate Members are entitled to vote by proxy at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) using an Appointment of Proxy form available on request.

31.    Elections for Board members will be held by electronic ballot, or other means, according to procedures agreed by the General Council.

32.    The responsibilities of the General Council are to:
     32.1.    elect the President, Vice-President, and Secretary/Treasurer and four other members of the Board;
     32.2.    consider reports from the Board;
     32.3.    set the annual fees and any other contribution to be paid by members;
     32.4.    consider and approve APQN's annual financial statements;
     32.5.    make decisions necessary for the satisfactory operation of APQN; and
     32.6.    exclude, on the recommendation of the Board, any member who disregards the Constitution.

33.    Meetings of the General Council shall be conducted by the President (or in the President’s absence the Vice-President, or in the Vice-President’s absence, by a Chair elected by the General Council for the purpose) and in accordance with accepted meeting procedures.

34.    The decisions of the General Council shall be adopted by a simple majority of voting members.

35.    Amendments to the APQN Constitution will require a three-quarters majority vote of the Full and Intermediate Members, and at least 21 days notice will be given of any resolution to alter the Network’s Constitution.

Contact Us

APQN Administrator
No. 202, South ShaanXi Road,
Shanghai, 200031, P.R. CHINA
Tel: +86 21 5403 1620
Fax: +86 21 5467 0198
Email: apqnsecretariat@163.comĀ 

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