APQN Members
Entries with Organisation Names starting with 'G'
Government College University Lahore Pakistan
Government College University Lahore Pakistan
Membership Type: Institutional
Email: directorqec@gcu.edu.pk
Year in which Organisation/Agency commenced operations: 1864
Countries/regions/states of operation: Pakistan.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Title: Prof.Dr.
First Name: Hassan Amir
Surname: Shah
Job Title: Vice Chancellor
Phone: +924299213602
Email Id: vicechancellor@gcu.edu.pk
Organisation Details
Government College University Lahore Pakistan
Address: Katchery Road , Mall Road, Lahore - 54000
Website: www.gcu.edu.pk
Government College Women University, Sialkot
Government College Women University, Sialkot
Membership Type: Institutional
Email: vc@gcwus.edu.pk
Year in which Organisation/Agency commenced operations: 2012
Countries/regions/states of operation: Pakistan
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Title: Prof. Dr.
First Name: Zarrin Fatima
Surname: Rizvi
Job Title: Vice Chancellor
Phone: +92-52-9250136
Fax: +92-52-9250168
Email Id: vc@gcwus.edu.pk
Organisation Details
Government College Women University, Sialkot
Address: Government College Women University, Kachehri Road, Sialkot, Pakistan
Website: https://www.gcwus.edu.pk/
Govt. College of education, M.A.Road, Srinagar, J&K
Govt. College of education, M.A.Road, Srinagar, J&K
Membership Type: Institutional
Email: gcoe.sgr@gmail.com
Year in which Organisation/Agency commenced operations: 1937
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Title: Prof. (Dr.)
First Name: Maqsooda
Surname: Khan
Job Title: Principal
Phone: 9419012022
Fax: 0194-2479807
Email Id: gcoe.sgr@gmail.com
Alternative Email Id: gcoe.sgr@gmail.com
Organisation Details
Govt. College of education, M.A.Road, Srinagar, J&K
Address: Malana Azad Road, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir
Website: http://www.gcoekmr.org