
Nominated By: Concepcion Pijano
Nominee Application Form: Part A
Title: Doctor
Family Names(s): Gutierrez
Mailing Address: TEE Consultancy, Inc.
(The Executive Edge)
Room 401-C RCI Building
105 Rada St., Legaspi Village
` 1229 Makati City
Office Telephone: +632 750-2554
Office Fax: +632 750-2580
Residence Telephone: +632 810-6219
Email: cez.gutierrez@teeconsultancy.com
Nationality/Citizenship: Filipino
Date of Birth: 20-06-1950
Current Position: Secretary-Treasurer
Current Employer: Self-employed (co-own TEE Consultancy, Inc.)
Please indicate your fluency levels in various languages (Comma Separated)
Fluent in Reading: English,Filipino
Fluent in Writing: English,Filipino
Academic Qualifications and Training
1. Degree, Institution, Year Completed: BA in Psychology & Music History,Lone Mountain College,San Francisco, California,USA,1972
2. Degree, Institution, Year Completed: MS Industrial/Organizational Psychology,San Francisco State,University,San Francisco, California,USA, 1974
3. Degree, Institution, Year Completed: Master in Business Administration,De LA Salle University,Manila, Philippines,1984
4. Degree, Institution, Year Completed: PhD in Organization Development,Southeast Asian Interdisciplinary,Development Institute (SAIDI), Antipolo, Rizal,Philippines,1998
Nominee Application Form: Part B
  • Program reviews / accreditations
  • Training of experts/external reviewers
  • Internal QA of institutions
  • Quality Indicators and benchmarks
  • Institutional assessment
  • Institutional quality audits
  • Student feedback and surveys
Other (please specify): strategic planning, human resource management, leadership development
Examples of Experience: National & International Consultations / Audit / Review
1. Brief Description: Co-conducted a Management Development Program for education officials (top and middle-level). There were two (2) phases of the training program to date: the 1st phase which consisted of the training of top Ministry officials was done in Manila. The 2nd phase which was the training of middle-level officers was done in Sanaâ??a, Republic of Yemen.
Institution/City/Country: Ministry of Education & Scientific Research (MoHESR), Manila, Philippines & Sanaâ??a, Republic of Yemen
Date: 11/8/08-12/4/08, 25/04/09-29/04/09
Type of Experience:
  • Consultancy
2. Brief Description: training program was part of
the capacity building program
of the Yemeni government to
address the higher education
needs of the Republic of
Yemen. Two (2) other
training programs are
scheduled in the latter part of
training program was part of
the capacity building program
of the Yemeni government to
address the higher education
needs of the Republic of
Yemen. Two (2) other
training programs are
scheduled in the latter part of

Institution/City/Country: PAASCU-sponsored,St. Paul University, Manila, Philippines
Date: 25/07/07-26/07/07
3. Brief Description: Conducts training of future accreditors (local and foreign). Training involves allowing the trainees to undergo an actual accreditation visit.Trainees also experience the assessment phase that is normally done during an actual accreditation visit.
Institution/City/Country: University of San Jose â?? Recoletos, Cebu, Philippines
Date: 12/03/09-13/03/09
Type of Experience:
  • Consultancy
  • Institutional Audit / Assessment
4. Brief Description: As a former Vice-President for Academic Affairs and College Dean of a prestigious womenâ??s college which is PAASCU-accredited, I have been actively involved in internal quality assurance activities. Said activities consist of a periodic assessment of standards, practices and policies aimed at ensuring the concretization of the schoolâ??s vision-mission and core values as well as the realization of its philosophy and objectives. I have been an active player in the institutionâ??s accreditation and quality assurance processes both as a faculty member and an administrator.
Institution/City/Country: St. Scholasticaâ??s College, Manila, Philippines
Date: 1983-2002
Type of Experience:
  • Institutional Audit / Assessment
  • Programme Review / Accreditation
Nominee Application Form: Part C
Please write a professional profile of 500 words.
Professional Summary Description: I am an educator and organization development specialist with more than thirty (30) years of professional experience in the fields of organization development and training, school-based interventions, quality assurance and accreditation processes, research, program evaluation, survey design, curricular design, faculty and student development program design, compensation administration and job evaluation. My expertise in the above fields have allowed me to function either as lead consultant or member of a consulting team that conducts institutional audits/assessment, program reviews, compensation administration studies, visioning and strategic planning workshops, teambuilding activities, among others, with client institutions located in various regions of the country.

My most recent education project experience in the country is conducting a community needs survey of parents and students of a private exclusive girlsâ?? school as part of a feasibility study of opening a College Department in said school. The survey included gathering data on parentsâ?? and studentsâ?? perceptions, sentiments and satisfaction levels on such matters as school image, administrative leadership, curriculum and course content of subjects, teaching-learning process, quality of teachers and student services, among others. My involvement in the project was from the survey instrument design, collating, recording and analyzing the data collected from 2,344 parents and 1,185 students and writing three (3) of the final reports.

I am a member of a team of consultants who conducted a management (leadership) training program for key staff officials of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MoHESR) of the Republic of Yemen. Said training program, conducted in the latter part of 2008 and early part of 2009 in Manila and Sanaâ??a, Yemen respectively, is part of the capacity building initiative of the Yemeni government which was worked out with the Delft University of Technology â?? Management Center for International Cooperation (TU Delft, CICAT) based in the Netherlands. This is a 3-year project ending in 2010.

I have worked on an institution-wide audit of an educational institution. The review included an assessment of the institutionâ??s curriculum, teaching-learning processes, academic support services, among others. Data gathering involved conducting individual and group interviews, focus group discussions and multi-sectoral meetings. The audit resulted in my being a co-facilitator in the client institutionâ??s visioning process and teambuilding workshops. I also prepared the institutionâ??s faculty and student manuals and the list of action plans for the institutionâ??s internal quality assurance initiatives.

I serve as a PAASCU accreditor for higher education institutions focusing on tertiary and graduate school programs. My involvement in accreditation is either as team chair or area chair.

I am a member of the Philippine Commission on Higher Education â?? Quality Assessment Team. As evaluator, I review academic programs of local tertiary institutions seeking government permit to operate the program and/or government recognition for the program applied for. The program review includes assessing the (a) qualifications and experience of administrators and faculty, (b) curriculum, (c) library, (d) student services, among others.

Part of my professional experience is being a trainor/facilitator in seminars and workshops in the areas of strategic planning, ethics and professionalism, visioning process, human resource management, capability/resource building, among others.

Documents Submitted

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