
Nominated By: Ranganath
Nominee Application Form: Part A
Title: Doctor
Family Names(s): Minakinagurki
Mailing Address: Deputy Adviser, National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Nagarabhavi, Bangalore - 560 072
Country: India
Office Telephone: +91-80-23005119,23210261-65
Office Fax: +91-80-23210270
Residence Telephone: +91-80-26760873
Nationality/Citizenship: Indian
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 26-04-1968
Current Position: Deputy Adviser
Current Employer: NAAC
Please indicate your fluency levels in various languages (Comma Separated)
Fluent in Reading: Kannada,Hindi,English,Telugu
Fluent in Writing: Kannada,Hindi,English,Telugu
Fluent in Speaking: Kannada,Hindi,English,Telugu
Academic Qualifications and Training
1. Degree, Institution, Year Completed: B.Sc.(Agricultural Marketing & Co-operation,University of Agricultural Sciences,1990
2. Degree, Institution, Year Completed: M.Sc.(Agricultural Economics),University of Agricultural Sciences,1993
3. Degree, Institution, Year Completed: Ph.D.(Agricultural Economics),University of Agricultural Sciences,1996
4. Degree, Institution, Year Completed: PGDBA,KSOU, Mysore, Karnataka,2007
Nominee Application Form: Part B
  • Institutional quality assurance reviews / audits
  • General QA consultancy
  • Setting up of new QA agency
  • Training of experts/external reviewers
  • Internal QA of institutions
  • Self study guidance to institutions
  • External review of institutions
  • Quality Indicators and benchmarks
  • External Review of QAAs
  • Institutional assessment
  • Institutional quality audits
  • Institutional accreditation
  • QA of cross border offerings
  • Student feedback and surveys
Other (please specify): Organising natinal and international seminars
Examples of Experience: National & International Consultations / Audit / Review
1. Brief Description: Participated as a resource person for a seminar and as an Auditor in the Audit Panel of the â??Mauritius College of the Airâ?
Institution/City/Country: Mauritius College of the Air� Mauritius
Date: April 26-30, 2009
Type of Experience:
  • Consultancy
  • Institutional Audit / Assessment
2. Brief Description: Conducted a programme on Auditorâ??s Training for Institutional Audit by participating as a Trainer of Auditors of Malaysia, organised by Malaysian Qualificationâ??s Agency (MQA).
Institution/City/Country: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Date: March 29-30, 2009
Type of Experience:
  • Consultancy
3. Brief Description: Participated as an international expert in â??Training of Accreditors â?? How to conduct Institutional accreditationâ? during July 24-26,2005 in Manila, Philippines.

Participated as one of the international experts in an international conference for â??Quality in Higher Educationâ?? which is organised by The National Commission for Academic accreditation and Assessment (NCAAA) in conjunction with AL Yamamah College and made a presentation on â??Developing National Approaches to Accreditation and Quality Assuranceâ??.
Institution/City/Country: Manila, Philippines. NCAAA, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Date: July 24-26,2005; March 04-06, 2007
Type of Experience:
  • Consultancy
4. Brief Description: Participated as an international expert / Assessor for two Community colleges in Nepal
Institution/City/Country: UGC, Nepal
Date: July 6-10, 2009
Type of Experience:
  • Consultancy
  • Institutional Audit / Assessment
Nominee Application Form: Part C
Please write a professional profile of 500 words.
Professional Summary Description: Dr. M. S. Shyamasundar is Deputy Adviser of National Assessment & Accreditation Council (NAAC), an autonomous organisation of University Grants Commission (UGC), which is responsible for Quality Assurance of Higher Education Institutions in India. As one of the first team of officers of NAAC, he has been a part of its developmental activities for the past 13 years. He has secured Ph. D (Agricultural Economics) with high distinction, first rank in M. Sc. (Ag. Econ.) with two gold medals and third rank in B.Sc. (Ag.Ma.Co). He was a recipient of Ford Foundation Fellowship for Doctoral Research. Having worked as Research Fellow, Research Associate, Research Officer and Assistant Adviser in different organisations, he has rich experience in teaching, research and academic administration with a good academic record. He has officiated as the Director i/c, NAAC on several occasions. He is the member of Executive Committee (EC), General Council (GC) and Finance Committee (FC) of NAAC, which are the policy making authorities.

He has co-ordinated Peer Team visits to around 800 institutions of higher learning including Universities, management colleges, professional colleges, educational colleges, affiliated/constituent/autonomous colleges, research institutes in various parts of the country.

He has participated as an international expert in â??Training of Accreditors â?? How to conduct Institutional accreditationâ? in Manila, Philippines. He has participated as one of the international experts in an international conference for â??Quality in Higher Educationâ?? which is organised by The National Commission for Academic accreditation and Assessment (NCAAA) in conjunction with AL Yamamah College and made a presentation on â??Developing National Approaches to Accreditation and Quality Assuranceâ??. He has conducted a programme on Auditorâ??s Training for Institutional Audit by participating as a Trainer of Auditors of Malaysia, organised by Malaysian Qualificationâ??s Agency (MQA). He has participated as a resource person for a seminar and as an Auditor in the Audit Panel of the â??Mauritius College of the Airâ? He has participated as an international expert / Assessor for two Community colleges in Nepal. He has participated as an observer in the QAA team UK to visit CII and Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil University, Mumbai.

He is associated with a large number of activities of NAAC including seminars, workshops, orientation programmes, brainstorming sessions, assessors training programmes, awareness programmes, programme for member co-ordinators etc. He has been involved in various academic and administrative activities related to Assessment and Accreditation and overall planning of the organisation, which helps to trigger deliberations among academicians to get their valuable inputs to fine tune NAACâ??s instruments. He has participated as resource person in a number of national and international conferences. He is in-charge of the publication wing of the NAAC and brought out a number of publications and also contributed articles to books. He has published a few articles in regional dailies and national level journals. He has worked as co-ordinator for the revision of manuals, promotional materials and development of NAACâ??s formats and also independently organised various academic activities in different parts of the country. He has actively involved in the â??State-wise Analysis of Accreditation Reportsâ? for various states in India, which helps in Quality Assurance of Higher Education Institutions. Currently he is in-charge of the Northern Zone of India for organising Peer Team visits to various institutions and coordinating different academic activities in different states of the zone.

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