Certification Association Russian Register

Membership Type: Full
Year in which Organisation/Agency commenced operations: 2001

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

First Name: Arkady
Surname: Vladimirtsev
Job Title: Director General
Phone: +7 (812) 670–90-01
Fax: +7 (812) 670–90-02
Email Id: rr-head@rusregister.ru

Nominated Contact Person (if different from CEO)

First Name: Aleksandra
Surname: Zvezdova
Job Title: Head of education quality assessment department
Email Id: zvezdova@rusregister.ru

Organisation Details

Certification Association Russian Register
Address: 190121, St. Petersburg,
pr. Rimskogo-Korsakova, 101, office 1
Website: http://www.rusregister.ru

Additional Contacts

Criteria Requirements for Full Member

1 Criterion: Nature of the operations of the agency:
Measure: The agency is responsible for reviews at institutional or programme level of post-secondary
education institutions or post-secondary quality assurance agencies
Description: Certification Association "Russian Register" is the largest and most recognized in Russia and abroad Russian independent expert organization for quality. The object of evaluation of our organization is quality of management systems, services, production, and personnel.
Independence, objectivity, competence of the personnel of Russian Register is confirmed with numerous national and foreign accreditations and positive experience of activity with thousands of the domestic and foreign organizations (http://www.rusregister.ru/en/about/certificates/).
The sphere of activity of our clients is various: Manufacture of food products, beverages and tobacco; Manufacture of cellulose, paper and paper products; Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products; Manufacture of machinery and equipment; Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment; radio, television and communication equipment and apparatus; medical instruments; Construction; Wholesale and retail trade, maintenance service and repair of automobiles, motorcycles and other consumer goods; Transport, storage and communication; overland transport activities; water transport activities; air transport activities; supporting and auxiliary transport activities; post and telecommunication; Research and development: Public administration; Education.
Share of Russian Register partners which are educational organizations is about 7% among total number of our clients. There are about 250 records on the educational and scientific organizations of Russia and the CIS (clients of Russian Register) in the register of the certified organizations.
RR is responsible for an assessment of the educational organizations of professional education at the institutional and program levels and provides to educational organizations the following services in the field of independent evaluation of quality of education (http://www.rusregister.ru/services/education-quality-assessment/):
1. Evaluation of conformity of quality management system of educational and scientific activity to the requirements of ISO 9001 standard and its certification with the international accreditation of RvA (the member of the International accreditation forum - IAF, the International network of bodies for certification - IQNet).
The methodical approach to this procedure is given on the webpage http://www.rusregister.ru/en/services/ms-certification/general-information/.
2. Professional and public accreditation of educational programmes according to the requirements of 96 article of 273 Federal low “About education in the Russian Federation”.
The methodical approach to this procedure is given on the web page http://www.rusregister.ru/en/services/ms-certification/standards/detail/index.php?ID=15095
3. Independent evaluation of education quality according to the requirements of the Russian Register standard, compatible with the requirements of ENQA standards and guidelines, ISO standard, national and international professional standards of the Russian Federation as well as of associations of employers and customers.
4. Certification of the personnel and qualifications. The methodical approach to this procedure is given on the web page http://www.rusregister.ru/en/services/staff-certification/.
5. Training the personnel of educational organizations (for example, http://www.rusregister.ru/press-center/regions-news/?ELEMENT_ID=15294.
6. Conformity evaluation to the requirements of standards for information security management, IT-services management which are necessary for scientific and research activities.
7. Integrating of above mentioned procedures.
Activity of Russian Register with the educational organizations of professional education as independent expert organization is recognized as the competent activity by:
- Board for coordination of quality management of professional education of Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation regarding recognition of competence of work in the area of evaluation, assessment and certification of educational institution management systems (2010),
- The largest national association of employers (Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs) as the expert organization for carrying out professional and public accreditation of educational programs of professional education (2014).
Since 2015 RR is a full member of INQAAHE.
Documents Upload: Download 'Charter.pdf'
2 Criterion: Mission statement and objectives:
Measure: The agency has formulated a mission statement and objectives which are consistent with the nature of the agency
Description: Russian Register has mission and goals which correspond to its nature and are available at the web-site: http://www.rusregister.ru/en/about/quality-policy/

Russian Register provides its partners with a wide range of certification and expert services, beneficial contract terms and internationally recognized service. Work and qualification of Russian Register experts shall not only allow assessing strengths and weaknesses of the customers' business but also help for their success in the markets of Russia and other countries.

Continually increase value of its services and capitalization of company in general.

Strategic Objective
Staying stable, become highly efficient and globally competitive expert organization.

The main goals of RR for the work with educational organizations of professional education are following:
1. to ensure adequate confidence of interested parties that education quality assurance system conforms to the specified requirements;
2. to ensure adequate confidence of RR that the educational organization introduced and supports an effective education quality assurance system.
3. to ensure participation of the third party when the supplier needs demonstration to participants of the market of results of an independent assessment;
4. to increase a demand of services of the educational organization and the educational programs which passed an independent assessment of quality assurances and, at the request of the educational organizations, public accreditation and/or professional and public accreditation of educational programs.

The main principles of the RR activities as expert organization for the work with educational organizations are following:
1. Impartiality and independence:
RR as certification body performs as body independent of educational organization that is an object of independent assessment of education quality. RR in its activity excepts any possibility of putting administrative, commercial, financial and another pressure on it by educational organization and it’s customers in order to influence the volume of independent assessments and objectivity of its results.
2. Voluntariness:
Assessment of the educational organizations’ quality assurance is carried out by RR on the initiative of the applicant and only on the voluntary contractual basis. In order to obtain all necessary information and explanations, the educational organization may apply to any RR location with all the questions that are within the RR competence and are not contradictory with confidentiality requirements.
3. Availability:
RR provides equal availability of services on independent assessment of education quality, except for differences in financial, procedural and other requirements and conditions, for all interested parties.
Moreover, dependence on the size of the educational organization, its membership in any association or group is excluded, and objectivity or priority of service doesn't depend on number of previously issued certificates.
RR publishes information on the requirements and conditions of work performance on independent assessment of education quality.
4. Objectivity and responsibility:
When taking a decision RR is based on objective evidences of conformation (or non-conformities) and guarantees that taking decision was not influenced by another interests and parts.
RR understands availability of threatening to impartiality and provides objectivity of RR assessments in work performance is achieved through: independence of RR as well as auditors invited to work for RR; professionalism and competence of trained personnel (auditors and experts); positive nature of audit performance and assessment of management systems and products only on the basis of objective evidence; application of uniform requirements, procedures, methodologies in work performance on independent assessment of education quality; documented processes for work performance at the level that provides traceability and reproducibility of assessments, recording and storage of the results of independent assessment of education quality; completeness of auditor/ expert teams.
Responsibility for conformation to the assessment criteria for educational organizations and programmes lays on educational organizations. RR is responsible for carrying out enough quantity of objective evidences, which taken decisions about assessment are based on. RR publishes the information on the principles of taking decision concerning the results of independent assessment of education quality.
5. Competence
Competence is examined by RR as shown ability to use knowledge and skills.
Competence of RR activity is ensured through: achieving and maintaining adequate qualification of its personnel; efficient and documented internal quality assurance system, which provides a proved level of assurance in the results of assessment; normative and technical provision of the performed works. Competence of activity is maintained under the internal quality assurance system at the level allowing to demonstrate the conformity in recognition of independent organizations.
6. Professional ethics and confidentiality
When working with educational organisations, RR is strictly guided by professional ethics and strives in its work to avoid everything that could cause damage to the reputation of the educational organisation or RR reputation as an independent and impartial body. Personnel involved by RR in the work on independent assessment of education quality undertake to adhere to the Code of Ethics for Auditors and Experts. RR undertakes to observe confidentiality of all the information obtained and conclusions made in the process of work performance. Prior to each expert evaluation, RR employees and personnel invited from external organizations confirm in writing their commitments to keep all information received confidential.
7. Awareness and openness
Awareness of RR structural locations, educational organisations and other interested organizations is achieved through release and updating of lists (Register) of evaluated educational organizations and programmes.
3 Criterion: Agency staff, Numbers, Profile, Roles:
Measure: The profile of the staff is consistent with the Mission Statement
Description: Certification Association "Russian Register" (RR) is the largest and most recognized in Russia and abroad Russian independent expert organization for quality originating in 1913. Number of the personnel of Association is about 400 people. The geography of activity and organizational structure of RR in the Russian Federation and abroad are presented in the document № 003.00-108 “Organizational Structure of Certification Association "Russian Register". The profile, responsibility and roles of the staff is consistent with the Mission Statement and are indentified in the above mentioned document (№ 003.00-108), Regulations for divisions and duty regulations for the staff.
4 Criterion: Profile of reviewers:
Measure: The profile of the reviewers is consistent with the Mission Statement
Description: Considering a role and extent of influence of the risk factors connected with competence, awareness and training of the personnel and for ensuring controllability of the personnel participating in the process of an independent assessment of the educational organizations, as well as for ensuring compliance of the profile of experts with the formulated mission, the system for training and certification of the personnel of Certification Association "Russian Register" is created.
For carrying out the independent assessment of quality of educational programs and educational organizations Certification Association "Russian Register":
- established the requirements to the experts for carrying out the examination, taking into account the requirements recommended by national associations of employers.
- provides recruitment and selection of experts, their training (and/or retraining) in compliance with the developed training program, as well as certification and independence of experts;
- carries out monitoring of activity of experts periodically;
- conducts databases of experts in assessment of quality of educational programs and educational organizations,
- provides a variety of expert panels, involving as the experts representatives of the academic community, employers, as well as provides the possibility of the conclusion of employment and (or) civil contracts on carrying out examination not less than with 2 persons, who meet the requirements established by RR.

For ensuring the necessary competence of the personnel having impact on quality of RR services in the field of independent assessment of educational organizations, the process of ensuring competence of experts consisting of 3 main stages is developed and supported. The main 3 stages of this process are:
1. Selection of professional workers and definition of needs for training of experts
2. Ensuring competence of potential experts
3. Certification and assessment of experts.
This process is documented in the Manual for training of experts for independent evaluation of educational organizations and for supporting their competences.
According to this document Certification Association "Russian Register" provides a variety of expert panels, attracting the representatives of the academic and professional communities in the field of the educational program declared on an assessment for carrying out examination of the professional educational organizations and programs.
So, for example, for examination and accreditation of educational programs the experts from the academic community are:
- the RR experts having the competence codes estimated and approved by RR and based on the EAC Qualifier (codes of types of economic activity in the European community);
- the representatives of the educational organizations of professional education who passed professional training in RR.
So, for professional and public accreditation of educational programs the experts from professional community (employers) are (in a section of each integrated group of specialties (the directions of training)):
- the RR experts having the competence codes estimated and approved by RR and based on the EAC Qualifier (codes of types of economic activity in the European community) in the areas, corresponding integrated group of specialties (the directions of training) declared on professional and public accreditation of educational programs;
- the representatives of the organizations (clients of the Russian Register) which have the field of activity corresponding to the directions of training, declared on the professional and public accreditation of educational programs.
For carrying out the independent assessment of education quality the Russian Register has databases and personal files of internal and external experts: the list of experts who can be involved in carrying out accreditation examination.
5 Criterion: Independence:
Measure: The judgements and recommendations of the agency’s reports cannot be changed by third parties
Description: Legal independence of Russian Register is confirmed by Charters, TIN, USRLE of RR and its representative offices.
The first principle of RR activity is impartiality and independence.
RR as certification body performs as body independent of educational organization that is an object of independent assessment of education quality. RR in its activity excepts any possibility of putting administrative, commercial, financial and another pressure on it by educational organization and it’s customers in order to influence the volume of independent assessments and objectivity of its results.
RR excludes any kind of activity, that may influence on independence of opinions and impartiality of it’s activity.
RR understands threatening of its impartiality and undertakes all necessary actions for their removal.
RR provides and controls absence of individual interests of RR’s staff and recruited specialists in education quality assessment and audit results during preparation, carrying out of audit, expert evaluation, making a decision about assessment and another activity, connected with the decision on assessment.
RR doesn’t carry out consultations on quality assurance systems and quality of educational programs. RR provides regular monitoring of contracting organizations guarantee impartiality.
RR doesn’t carry out internal audits of organizations.
RR doesn’t carry out management systems audit of another certification bodies in connection with the certification services.

In order to provide impartiality in RR there is a special commission, certification council, one main task of which is to guarantee impartiality. Responsibility, authorities and competence of certification council defined in ND № 002.00-513. Besides, all experts involved in the works follow the ND No. 003.00-102 Code of Ethics of the Auditor developed by RR and placed on http://www.rusregister.ru/about/ethics/.
The Manual for independent assessment of education quality also contains the following information:
- the structure of the group of experts is defined with ensuring independence of experts in relation to the evaluated educational organization regarding lack of this or that dependence on the evaluated organization, its founders, owners and/or the applicant and an exception of the possible conflicts of interests;
- members of the group of experts have to inform the head of RR division on any existing or previous relations between them and the evaluated organization which can affect their independence and impartiality before carrying out evaluation,
- each expert signs and directs to RR the application obligation about lack of the conflict of interests.
According to order of registration of results of evaluations, identification and traceability of the corresponding reports, an order of management of them exclude any modification of them by the third parties.
6 Criterion: Resources:
Measure: The agency has sufficient resources to run its operations in accordance with its mission statement and objectives
Description: Certification Association "Russian Register" has being in property or on other legal ground the premises, buildings and necessary equipment for carrying out independent assessment of education quality, training of experts according to the mission and the purposes.
The documents confirming legally existence of the premises, buildings and equipment in RR and its representative offices are:
• Charters of Russian Register and its representative offices
• TIN of Russian Register and its representative offices
• USRLE of Russian Register and its representative offices
• Organizational structure of Russian Register (№ 003.00-108 “Organizational Structure of Certification Association "Russian Register"")
Activity geography: http://www.rusregister.ru/about/geography/

Russian Register possesses Internet resources for access of interested parties to the description of the processes and procedures used when carrying out evaluation, and its results, and also the automated directory system of officially published legislative, normative and reference documents and other information resources for carrying out activity according to the declared tasks.
The site of the company - http://www.rusregister.ru - allows to come to the sites of all representative offices in the Russian Federation and abroad.
There is a zone on RR website where the office information is published:
• Internal documents
• External documents
• Marketing and promotion materials
• Terrasoft XRM (CRM system - customer relationship management system)
• Templates of forms
• Register of RR experts (auditors)
• Register of RR technical experts
• Register of certified organizations
• Areas of RR accreditation/recognition
• Useful information
• Schedule of webinars
7 Criterion: External quality assurance criteria and processes:
Measure: The description of the processes and criteria applied should be transparent and publicly available and normally include:
self evaluation, site visit, public report and follow-up measure
Description: ertification Association "Russian Register" for the works with the educational organizations for independent assessment of education quality:
- has developed, approved in accordance with the established procedure and technologies, available to all interested parties, and a technique of operating activities (processes, procedures, methods, rules and criteria of carrying out examination, procedures of making expert decisions, existence of system of an after-effect and feedback),
- plans and organises the work,
- makes out the results of work,
- keeps account of the results of work and documents them,
- uses the modern information and communication technologies and program technical means in practical activities.

Russian Register provides to educational organizations the following services in the field of independent evaluation of quality of education (http://www.rusregister.ru/services/education-quality-assessment/):
1. Evaluation of conformity of quality management system of educational and scientific activity to the requirements of ISO 9001 standard. The methodical approach to this procedure is given on the webpage http://www.rusregister.ru/en/services/ms-certification/general-information/.
Objects of evaluation:
- Responsibility of educational organization management;
- Resource management in educational organization;
- Processes of development and realization of educational programmes;
- Measurement, analysis and improvement of management system, processes and education quality.
2. Professional and public accreditation of educational programmes according to the requirements of 96 article of 273 Federal low “About education in the Russian Federation”.
The methodical approach to this procedure is given on the web page http://www.rusregister.ru/en/services/ms-certification/standards/detail/index.php?ID=15095
Objects of evaluation:
- Conformity of competences of the persons who mastered educational programs, to the requirements of Federal state educational standards, professional standards, other all-Russian qualification requirements or requirements imposed by labor market;
- A demand of the graduates who mastered educational programs, from labor market;
- Quality of the material, information and communication, personnel and other resources influencing on quality of graduates training;
- Management of professional educational programme;
- Purposes, strategy and development of professional educational programme;
- System of informing and information openness.
3. Independent evaluation of education quality according to the requirements of the Russian Register standard, compatible with the requirements of ENQA standards and guidelines, ISO standard, national and international professional standards of the Russian Federation as well as of associations of employers and customers.
Objects of evaluation (1.1 – 1.7 ESG ENQA):
- Policy and procedures of quality assurance;
- Approval, monitoring and periodic review of educational programmes and awards;
- Assessment of students;
- Quality assurance of teaching staff;
- Learning resources and student support;
- Information systems;
- Public information.
The normative organizational and methodical documents are developed (rules, forms and methods of assessment):
• Manual for independent assessment of education quality. Content: types of assessment, code of ethics for expert, the main objectives and principles of activity, the procedure for self-assessment of educational programme, conditions and rules of assessment, the forms of the documents.
• Rules of carrying out the professional and public accreditation of educational programmes and independent evaluation of quality education. Content: standards and objects of evaluation which are compatible with the documents of Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs as well as with ENQA standards and guidelines.
• Report of educational organization about self-assessment
• Report of expert about assessment
• Regulations for Accreditation Council of RR
• Procedure for control of appeals and claims
• Manual for training of experts for independent evaluation of educational organizations and for supporting their competences
• Procedure for Establishment of Partnership with Russian and Foreign organizations in the field of development and assessment of quality and education quality assurance
• Procedure for monitoring the results of independent education quality evaluation
8 Criterion: Quality assurance:
Measure: The description of the processes and criteria applied should be transparent and publicly available and normally include:
self evaluation, site visit, public report and follow-up measure
Description: Quality assurance (or quality management) system of Russian Register is the means providing for RR and all its stakeholders a guarantee of that all processes of RR are identified, documentary defined in normative documents and managed by RR on a systematic basis through organizational structure of the Association. This internal quality assurances system of RR services is certified and passes an annual external assessment for ensuring high level of the services provided to the educational organizations and society, as well as for the analysis of the policy and activity.
Implementation, maintenance and development of quality management system (QMS) is carried out through:
• establishment of official quality policy and purposes;
• identification of the processes necessary for the QMS, their sequence, interaction and application in RR activities;
• identification of the requirements for the resources required, including competence of personnel, infrastructure and work environment;
• development, effective application, revision and updating of procedures, guidelines, regulations, working instructions, quality plans and other determining criteria and methods necessary for efficient implementation of the processes and control thereof;
• provision of resources and information necessary for implementation of the processes and control thereof;
• allotment of responsibilities and authority to the RR personnel;
• training and education of the RR personnel, including quality management and product conformity confirmation issues;
• carrying out internal quality audits, audits of work practices of RR’s experts and auditors, assessment of RR’s documents, issued on results of work done;
• control of quality records, which create a basis for confirmation of conformity, analysis, assessment and decision-making;
• monitoring and periodical reviews of the processes based on the results of monitoring, appropriate audits and measurements specified for the process;
• implementation of the arrangements for improvement of the processes based on the analysis of the process efficiency.
So, internal documentation of RR includes a number of the documents aimed at providing quality assurances of services RR, for example:

№ 005.00-101 Quality Manual
№ 008.00-173 General conditions of rendering services
№ 005.02-201 Procedure for control of internal documents
№ 005.02-202 Procedure for control of external documents
№ 005.02-204 Procedure for internal audit of RR quality management system
№ 005.00-208 Procedure for control of nonconforming service
№ 005.00-209 Procedure for control of corrective actions
№ 003.00-211 Procedure for control of suppliers
№ 005.00-214 Procedure for control of appeals, complaints and claims
№ 008.00-215 Procedure for Establishment of Partnership with Russian and Foreign organizations
№ 008.00-216 Procedure for RR services audit
№ 005.00-217 Measurement of manufacturing processes and assessment of satisfaction of consumers
№ 003.00-220 Procedure for risk-management
№ 005.01-303 Instruction on auditors’ work practice audit
№ 004.00-304 Instruction on determination of management system audit duration
№ 007.00-305 Instruction on preparation of contracts for signing
№ 011.00-307 Instruction on review of files in operation
№ 009.00-315 Employment policies and procedures of the working day of Certification Association “Russian Register”
№ 005.01-323 Instruction on providing a trade secret

№ 005.00-328 Instruction on management accounting of RR activity
№ 009.00-333 Instruction on preparation and carrying out the planned meetings in RR Central Office
№ 004.00-340 Instruction on carrying out the analysis of reporting documents on audits
№ 009.00-341 List of documents and information for carrying out the control and audit of representative offices
№ 009.00-344 Instruction on carrying out the induction in Certification Association “Russian Register”
№ 004.00-363 Instruction for the technical expert involved in the audits of management systems
№ 005.02-404 Procedure for assessment of divisions performers and branches of Certification Association “Russian Register”
№ 005.01-410 Procedure for assessment of personnel and assignment of competence codes
30.01.2015 - Plan of check of auditors’ work for 2015
30.01.2015 - Program of internal audits of functioning of RR quality management system for 2015
06.09.2013 - Corporate program of risk management
08.12.2014 - Portfolio of corporate risks

Criteria Requirements for Institutional Member

Institutional Member Criteria:
Measure: Institutional Members are institutions of higher education in the region that are in good standing with the relevant quality assurance agency if one exists.
Proof of recognition as a Higher Education Institution: Applicable Only For Institutional Members
Proof of the organisation’s good standing with the local QA agency: Applicable Only For Institutional Members

Criteria Requirements for Associate Member

Associate Member Criteria:
Measure:Associate Members are organisations with a major interest and active involvement in evaluation, accreditation and quality assurance in higher education, but without the responsibility for assuring the quality of institutions, education programs, or external quality assurance agencies
Applicable Only For Associate Members

Criteria Requirements for Intermediate Member

1 Criterion: Nature of the operations of the agency:
Measure: The agency is responsible for reviews at institutional or programme level of post-secondary education institutions or post-secondary quality assurance agencies
Description: Applicable Only For Intermediate Members
2 Criterion: Mission statement and objectives:
Measure: The agency has formulated a mission statement and objectives which are consistent with the nature of the agency
Applicable Only For Intermediate Members
3 Criterion: :
Proof of the organisation’s good standing with the local QA agency
Applicable Only For Intermediate Members

Criteria Requirements for Observer

Criterion For Observers:
Measure: APQN accepts as Observers organisations outside the Asia-Pacific region, including: external quality assurance agencies; institutions with a major interest in evaluation, accreditation and quality assurance in higher education; other regional networks that have major interests in and strong links with the region
Criteria Requirements for Observer: Applicable Only For Observers

Documentation and Fees

Additional Information: No additional information is required for my application
Upon approval of my application I agree to pay:
  • $500 (Initial Joining Fee: Full Member, Intermediate Member, Associate Member)
I will be applying for support for: None

Documents Submitted

003.00-108_Organizational_Structure (1).pdf

Located in: APQN Members

Contact Us

APQN Administrator
No. 202, South ShaanXi Road,
Shanghai, 200031, P.R. CHINA
Tel: +86 21 5403 1620
Fax: +86 21 5467 0198
Email: apqnsecretariat@163.com 

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